The Upside to Weight Training
Although weightlifting has been seen to be controversial in medicine as well as within the fitness industry, recent scientific research has shed light on a variety of health benefits to be gained when working out with weights.
Let's look at those benefits now.
Let's look at those benefits now.
- Scientists at Boston University School of Medicine carried out studies on mice in order to ascertain how strength building affects a variety of physiological systems, including metabolism.
Their conclusion: it helps to "regress obesity and resolve metabolic disorders.
" - There's been a persistent myth that weightlifting builds too much body bulk which causes athletes involved in endurance sports to slow down considerably.
This is incorrect.
Studies show that weightlifting may actually increase non-bulky muscle, which in turn enhances endurance sport performance. - Studies on cyclists who took part in regular regimes of fitness training, provided evidence that those who carried out the fitness training were seen to have far more "genetic remodeling" within their muscles than those cyclists who did little to no fitness training.
Those who partook gained a higher level of endurance because their muscles became more capable at assimilating oxygen.
What's more however, the studies also showed that regular fitness training offers health benefits to the nervous system. - Weightlifting has the effect of increasing the athlete's power because of an improvement of the coordination of muscles working together.
- Regardless that greater muscle mass is not a factor, regular weight training may increase the activity of motor units within each muscle.
- Studies have shown that in skeletal muscle, new nervous system connections and nuclei are formed when a regular weight training program is undertaken.
- Resistance training has shown to produce an increase in the usage of the brain.
- It has been found that a variety of weight training programs, with no added endurance exercise, can replicate the health benefits to be gained from walking, swimming, and running.
- Scientific study has concluded that for those people who lift weights as part of a regular program, possess greater blood sugar control than otherwise they would.
With greater blood sugar control comes a lesser chance for developing diabetes. - Weightlifting helps to reduce the fat that often can build up around the body's organs in addition to reducing abdominal fat.
Those who develop high fat levels around the organs are at greater risk of suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular disease. - Weight training boosts the ability to transport and use oxygen within the body (VO2 max), thus reflecting a high level of fitness.
- If less weight is lifted more times, it produces more overall body strength.
- Weight lifting is also beneficial for elderly people.
It helps to keep the nervous system and brain active and the body in tune.
This in turn aids in the prevention of Sarcopenia, which is the reduction of muscle mass.
Sarcopenia tends to begin in middle age. - With age comes the loss of joint flexibility.
Strength training helps to maintain joint flexibility. - Muscular remodeling (or shaping and building) is prompted to almost the same level when comparing a workout using weight machines and exercises such as Pilates and yoga.