Top Secrets To Treating Yeast Infection
If you're in the 25%, consider yourself lucky; because when you have this, you would never want it again.
Unfortunately, yeast infections do tend to recur and no matter what you do to treat it, it would still come back.
To help the infection from recurring, or to prevent acquiring it from the first place, the most important and basic thing you can do is to keep your vaginal area clean.
Wash it every time you take a shower and after you pee.
Be sure to wipe the area from front to back to avoid microorganisms from your anal area from spreading towards your vagina.
In general, you have to have good hygiene.
This is the most effective way.
Other simple things you can do is to wear cotton underpants, or if you have to wear a pantyhose, use the one with a cotton crotch.
Don't imitate others, especially Hollywood stars, who do not wear underwear.
I'm sorry, but we need panties; they're made to protect our intimate area from germs and microorganisms.
If you're fond of douching, stop it.
Change your pads or tampons frequently; don't let it stay in your vaginal area for the whole day - germs would like living in there.
Avoid wearing tight clothes in the crotch area and change immediately out of your exercise clothes after working out or swimming - microorganisms tend to live and grow in moist areas.
Diet is also one of the factors that you can change to help treat your infection.
Of course, vegetables are always the best.
Also, eat foods high in protein and grains.
When you eat yogurt, make sure it's the one with live acidophilus bacteria.
Sex is a physiologic need.
Don't worry, you can still have sex even if you have thrush.
You just have to be careful and you must have the discipline.
Be sure your vagina is well-lubricated before having sex; when it's not, you can use a lubricating gel.
But, when you have to use a lubricating gel for coitus, use the water-soluble one.
If sex becomes painful, stop.
The most important thing is that you have to use CONDOM, especially if you have yeast infection.
Sometimes, antibiotics are prescribed by doctors to treat the disease, and you might think that it's the best and fastest way.
But, I have to tell you that you have to only use antibiotics only when it's necessary.
If you're using hormonal contraceptives and you're experiencing chronic yeast infection, consider changing your birth control method.
Visit your OB-GYN and tell her/him about it.