Which Dog Foods Are Mini Australian Shepherd Dogs Allergic To?
- Miniature Australian Shepherds are not known for specific food allergies.empty bowl image by e-pyton from Fotolia.com
Individual Miniature Australian Shepherds may have sensitivities to some food ingredients that cause allergy symptoms or digestive unrest, but as a whole this breed is not allergic to any one food or ingredient. If you are noting problems with your dog, consult a veterinarian then determine what foods might be best to alleviate the problem. - Your dog may be allergic to a protein in her diet.raw chicken in the wooden tray isolated on white image by Elnur from Fotolia.com
If your dog is showing allergic reactions to its current diet, the first consideration may be to change to a diet with a different main protein. Common first ingredient proteins are chicken, lamb, fish, turkey, venison, rabbit and buffalo or bison. Beef is the main protein in only a handful of commercial diets.
A change to a holistic or organic food with a different main protein may be worth a try. Dogs can have sensitivities to certain proteins. Reactions may cause allergy symptoms or digestive upset that might include diarrhea and vomiting. The primary sources of protein-based food allergies are normally chicken, lamb or seafood. - Grains in the food may cause an allergy or digestive problems in dogs.grain image by Alex White from Fotolia.com
One of the most typical of the food-related allergies and digestive sensitivities is to grains found in many commercial foods. While there are beneficial grains in some products, the biggest culprits for causing allergic or digestive issues are wheat, corn and soy. Due to this fact, many manufacturers produce foods that are free of one or all three of the common problem grains.
For an owner who is not certain which grain may be causing a problem, grain-free products are available. Most grain-free dog foods are not found in big box grocery or pet stores, but are more often available from specialty on-line and independently owned pet supply retailers. A vast number of wheat-free and grain-free treats have recently surfaced to serve the needs of those pet owners who prefer to stay away from problem grains. - Dogs can be allergic to dairy products found in food and treats.eggs and milk image by Jeffrey Zalesny from Fotolia.com
Dairy products such as milk and cheese, as well as eggs, also can present problems for sensitive dogs. Symptoms can present as allergic reactions or gastrointestinal unrest. Eggs are often found in commercial dog food, and cheese and milk are more commonly found in dog treats. Avoiding these ingredients is easy if you just read the labels.