How Much Calories Do Women Need
Another important factor experts consider in computing the right amount of calorie that a woman would need is her Basal Metabolic Rate.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Basal Metabolic Rate varies between men and women. It is the amount of energy or calories that the body needs to keep it functioning while at rest. Scientifically, the human body needs a minimum number of calories to maintain the millions of chemical reactions, which keep eyes, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys etc. in healthy working order. This is the person's Basal Metabolic Rate. For example, a 55-year-old woman weighing 130 lb (59 kg) and 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm) tall would have a BMR of 1,272 kcal per day.
Over half the calories needed by most women fuel these basic bodily functions and it varies between obese and thin women. Computing BMR includes weight, height, and age and heat production at rest. The BMR constitutes about 60% – 70% of the calories used.
Nutritionists use three complicated equations to calculate the BMR:
Harris Benedict Equation:
Daily calories (kcal) = [447.6 + 9.2 (Weight in kg) + 3.1 (Height in cm) -4.3 (age)] x 1.7
Total Energy Expenditure Method:
Daily calories (kcal) = Weight in kg x 40 kcal/kg
Activity Factor
Daily Calories = Weight in lbs. x Activity Factor (AF)
(AF=13 for light activity; AF=16, for moderate activity; AF=19 for heavy activity and AF=22 for exceptional activity)
Nutritionists use the first two formulas as a guideline to compute basic calorie needs. They do not compute additional calories used in exercise. The last one computes the calories different body weight need based on activity level.
The proper assessment of how much calorie do a woman needs specifically is the work of a physician and nutritionist.
Essential Components of a Healthy Diet for a woman:
50 to 60 percent carbohydrates
20 to 30 percent protein
20 to 30 percent fat
Enough calories and a daily multivitamin