DIY Tow Dolly
- 1). Measure the inside diameter of the axle tube. Cut the black pipe so that it extends six inches from the axle tube and weld the pipe and axle tube together at the juncture.
- 2). Cut two 80-inch pieces of angle iron and four 23-inch pieces. Cut the bottom of each 80-inch angle iron at a 45-degree angle with a hacksaw. Do the same with two of the 23-inch pieces. When laid out prior to welding these pieces will look like a mitered picture frame.
- 3). Weld one 80-inch piece and one 23-inch piece of angle iron together along the 45-degree angle, then weld the resulting open vertical seam. Repeat on the other two pieces. Four pieces of angle iron are now two "L" shaped pieces. Weld them at the respective 45-degree angles, also weld the resulting vertical seams. Position this so that the lips on the angle iron are up.
- 4). Fit and weld the remaining two 23-inch pieces parallel to the ends of the box, 18-inches from each end.
- 5). Cut four 18-inch pieces of angle iron. Fit and weld them inside the smaller boxes you just created. The wheels of the towed vehicle will sit between these angles on each side.
- 6). Attach the tires to the axle.
- 7). Position the box assembly so that the axle is in the center and square to the assembly. Tack weld it into place and double check alignment before you make the final welds. You are ready to create the tongue assembly.
- 8). Cut a four-foot piece of tubular steel.
- 9). Tack steel into place on the bottom of the box assembly, perpendicular to the axle. Check the alignment and weld the tongue securely to the box assembly and axle.
- 10
Cut two 12-inch pieces of the tubular steel. Set one piece on top of the other and move the upper piece forward six inches. Weld the two pieces together. - 11
Weld this stepped assembly to the front end of the tongue. Six inches of the stepped assembly should overlap at the front of the tongue. When you are finished you have stepped up at the end of the tongue in 6 inch increments. - 12
Cut a 24-inch piece of tubular steel. Weld it to the end of the stepped assembly that you just completed with a six inch overlap. - 13
Weld the tongue coupler securely to the end of this assembly. - 14
Cut and fit two 27-inch pieces of tubular steel at an angle on each side of the tongue assembly and box assembly. Weld these in place. - 15
Cut the plank in half. Cut two twelve-inch pieces of angle. Clamp one to the bottom to the bottom end of one plank. Drill through the plank and angle in two places and fasten with carriage bolts. Repeat on the other plank. The lip on the planks will set over the lip on the back side of the box assembly. - 16
Attach the tie down straps to the trailer. - 17
Weld safety chains to the tongue. - 18
Paint with rust inhibiting primer and several coats of enamel paint.