Unstoppable Me
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Today I would like to inform you all of a magnificent children's book by Dr.
Wayne Dyer titled "Unstoppable Me".
Inside this book are great teachings that apply to Children, Teens and Adults.
"Unstoppable Me" covers ten ways to Soar through life.
#1 You're Great No Matter What! #2 Persistence Pays Off! #3 Welcome the Unknown #4 You Have a Choice #5 Farewell to Worry #6 Peace Begins with You #7 Enjoy the Here-and-Now #8 Healthy Me! #9 Creativity Is the Key! #10 What Can You Give? Heard any of these words or sentences before? Can we see how we can apply these ways into our lives? Ten short points yet very powerful.
Parents I really suggest this book for our children and as gifts as well.
Imagine children learning these life tools at an early age! Fantastic.
And teens as well.
It's never too late.
And finally us Adults.
Let us practice these and other Wonderful teachings so that we may rise above all of our challenges with ease and grace.
Let us do so for we are worthy and deserving of living a Joyful life in every way.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
For we are all one.
Please feel free to share these tools to bring awareness to our true self and to create Oneness.
May the love and light of God and the Whole Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.
Love, Light and many Blessings all the way around.
com www.
com [http://www.
com] With Love, Gratitude and Respect, Michelle Morovaty Truly, With God All Things Are Possible © Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC