How to Brew Catnip Tea
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A tea infuser saves the need to strain your herbal teainfuseur ?? th?? image by laure paris from
Measure out 1 tsp. (5 grams) of dried catnip leaf into a warmed cup or teapot. If you use fresh catnip leaf, use 2 tsp. of catnip (10 grams). You can use a tea infuser or muslin tea bag to brew your herbal tea in. - 2
Steep your catnip leaf in boiling waterbouilloire image by Jacques PALUT from
Bring 1 cup of water (250 ml) to a boil and then pour it over the herbs. Cover the teapot and let the herbs steep for 10 to 15 minutes. - 3
honey image by Indigo from
Strain the catnip tea into a cup with a strainer or with unbleached muslin cloth. If desired, sweeten it with stevia or honey. Alternatively, blend it with some fruit juice. - 4). Drink catnip tea in doses of two to three cups a day, recommends Herbs2000. If you prepare more catnip tea than you drink, refrigerate any that you have left over.