Holiday Theme Ideas
- Celebrate with themes from the old country.easter egg image by Bartlomiej Nowak from
Choose a theme that has a specific meaning to friends and family. For Christmas, choose a rustic country theme like grandma always used to have, or a Victorian theme like the one from an aunt. If there's no family traditions, try a theme based on nationality. For a Polish Easter, decorate with painted wooden eggs and make sure there's a butter lamb and keilbasa on the table. - A masquerade ball can be suited to any holiday.Carnaval v??nitien image by G??rard Sauze from
Consider some different types of themes when deciding what to do for the holidays. Retro themes with decorations from decades past can create a fun atmosphere, while themes from another era (Victorian, Elizabethan or Colonial) can add a classy, elegant look to any holiday. For a fun twist, consider a masquerade ball for any occasion from Christmas to the 4th of July, and encourage guests to be creative with costumes. - Christmas puddings can bring a finishing touch to a themed pudding image by hazel proudlove from
Do more than just decorate to complete a theme, and think outside the box when it comes to implementing it. Theme decorations are an important part of celebrating the holiday, but so are foods; make plum puddings for a Victorian Christmas and paskha for a Russian Easter. Don't forget activities and games, either; hold a dance-off for a 1920s Labor Day weekend party or a sock hop for a 1950s Memorial Day.