How to Determine the Pitch of a Drum Sample
- 1). Determine the pitch of a drum sample using Adobe Audition. Load the sample into Audition, then double-click its waveform to select the entire sample. Open the "Effects" menu, then hover the mouse cursor over "Time and Pitch." Click "Pitch Correction." Click the "Manual" tab to analyze the drum sample. Adobe Audition displays the sample's pitch profile as a red line next to a musical scale. The highest point on the scale that the red line reaches is the drum sample's pitch.
- 2). Use Celemony Melodyne Editor to find out the pitch of a drum sample. Melodyne Editor is designed to analyze and alter the pitch of a vocal or instrumental sample. However, it's also capable of determining the pitch of a drum sample. Load the drum sample into Melodyne Editor, open the "Algorithm" menu and click on "Melodic." Melodyne Editor analyzes the drum sample, then displays its pitch in the music staff at the top of the window.
- 3). Analyze a drum sample's pitch using Mixed in Key. Launch Mixed in Key, then click "Analyze Songs." Drag and drop the drum sample into the Mixed in Key window, then click "Start Processing." When Mixed in Key finishes analyzing the sample, an alphanumeric code appears next to "Key Result" in the window. Click the "Read Tutorial" button, then find the alphanumeric code in the chart that appears. The note that appears next to the alphanumeric code is the pitch of the drum sample. If the drum sample contains more than one drum sound, the value next to the alphanumeric code indicates the sample's musical key.