Living on Live Food
According to the American Cancer Society's document, "Cancer Facts & Figures 2009," there will be an estimated 562,340 cancer deaths and 1,479,350 new cancer cases in the U.
Cancer is the second leading disease causing death in this country - second only to heart disease.
Yet throughout many parts of Asia, cancer is rare, especially digestive related ones like colon cancer.
While there may be any number of causes for cancer, there is a huge amount of scientific evidence indicating cancer is a disease that often occurs because of the failure of a body's immune system.
And the immune system is dramatically affected by what a person eats.
How many times have you heard of somebody having a cancerous tumor removed from his or her body ...
only to have it recur again within a short period of time? Why did that happen? Because the root cause of the disease apparently wasn't dealt with.
A number of factors could play into a failure of an individual's immune system.
There could be something in the environment.
A number of researched articles argue that chemicals used in public water treatment facilities may cause certain illnesses.
But if that's true then it makes sense a person's diet could play an even bigger role.
This is one premise behind living on live foods.
Live foods offer out bodies what they need in order to both function properly and ward off sickness.
I'm enough of a realist to know that wishful thinking doesn't make for truthful thinking.
I often find myself telling others, no matter what the topic or issue, that just because we "want" something to be true doesn't automatically "make" it true.
Truth is something that is relevant.
If it's not true, then why believe it? If it's not true, then why practice it? If it's not true, then why should we seek to live it or implement it within the fabric of our lives? As you go deeper into an understanding of what living on live food is all about then you begin to get a picture of why so many individuals have had chronic diseases simply go away after they adopted a mostly raw living food diet.
Cancer is the second leading disease causing death in this country - second only to heart disease.
Yet throughout many parts of Asia, cancer is rare, especially digestive related ones like colon cancer.
While there may be any number of causes for cancer, there is a huge amount of scientific evidence indicating cancer is a disease that often occurs because of the failure of a body's immune system.
And the immune system is dramatically affected by what a person eats.
How many times have you heard of somebody having a cancerous tumor removed from his or her body ...
only to have it recur again within a short period of time? Why did that happen? Because the root cause of the disease apparently wasn't dealt with.
A number of factors could play into a failure of an individual's immune system.
There could be something in the environment.
A number of researched articles argue that chemicals used in public water treatment facilities may cause certain illnesses.
But if that's true then it makes sense a person's diet could play an even bigger role.
This is one premise behind living on live foods.
Live foods offer out bodies what they need in order to both function properly and ward off sickness.
I'm enough of a realist to know that wishful thinking doesn't make for truthful thinking.
I often find myself telling others, no matter what the topic or issue, that just because we "want" something to be true doesn't automatically "make" it true.
Truth is something that is relevant.
If it's not true, then why believe it? If it's not true, then why practice it? If it's not true, then why should we seek to live it or implement it within the fabric of our lives? As you go deeper into an understanding of what living on live food is all about then you begin to get a picture of why so many individuals have had chronic diseases simply go away after they adopted a mostly raw living food diet.