Spirituality Portends Scientific Discoveries - The Universe is Energy, Mental, and Spiritual
Today a growing number of scientists are proclaiming the universe is spiritual.
Spiritual teachings Australian aboriginals, whose culture goes back 60,000 years, believe in "dreamtime" or tjukurpa-that there is no separation of man and nature, of life and death, or of past, present, and future.
Their music unites consciousness with the energy patterns of nature.
Bantu, a traditional African religion, believes that life is force or muntu-a vital energy endowed with intelligence and will.
Followers believe that the dead have deeper knowledge of the forces and interact with the living.
Native Americans believe in a dynamic energy system in which all systems of nature are one, communicating and interacting.
Mesoamerican religions-Maya, Zapitec, Mixtec, and Aztec-all had a concept of a vital force or energy in all life.
At different times and places it was taught that everything is energy-so what is life? For decades, scientists, healers, and spiritual followers have studied energy in the human body.
But energy concepts are thousands of years old, as in the Vedic and Hindu teachings of energy points (or chakras).
These ancient traditions recognize that energy is located in bodily "energy centers.
" The Kabbalah, a Jewish mystical philosophy, also recognizes such energy and calls it nefish.
Christian teachings have numerous references to energy as life.
In Hindu, Kundalini is life's energy and can be utilized for a spiritual awakening.
Reiki, a hands-on healing method, is derived from various Buddhist teachings; in Japanese, it means "spiritually guided life-force energy.
" Ok, if energy is everything including life, what is really out there? Spiritual and religious teachings generally agree that we humans cannot comprehend reality, which usually includes God.
In general, religions teach that God and mystical reality are different from what we experience in ordinary consciousness.
Jesus, according to the Gnostic script Gospel of Thomas 113, said, "The kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the Earth, and men do not see it.
" Buddhists believe that it is impossible to understand the world through our senses, philosophies, or science.
Judaism agrees that we cannot comprehend God.
The Sufis of Islam teach that metaphors and symbols cannot reveal the divine.
According to Hinduism, maya is the illusion of reality in which we live.
Taoism and Confucianism, although in many ways different, both hold that reality is beyond human comprehension.
This brings us to science's take on reality.
Science, dogma, and a new mystery Scientists have clenched the concept of materialism for three centuries.
This belief that things such as atoms and molecules explain our world is a dogma needing to be buried.
Scientists' materialism rationalized chastising religions and spirituality for teaching outlandish concepts.
Now the tables are turned.
A decade ago, scientists realized that 96% of our world is missing.
It isn't that they misplaced it; it is that despite an arsenal of sophisticated scientific instruments they can't find the mysterious dark energy and dark matter which are needed to explain their latest theories on the universe.
Are the missing dark entities fiction? Materialism is dead but many scientists refuse to recognize it.
The concepts replacing materialism remains as elusive as dark matter, dark energy, parallel universes, hidden dimensions, and the unfathomable stuff in a vacuum.
Science and spiritual teachings Although scientists contributed tremendous understanding of our world, invented wondrous contraptions, and revolutionized medicine, they have been unable to comprehend reality.
Scientists agree that energy is an apt metaphor for what is out there.
In the next few years scientists will utilize multibillion dollar particle accelerators to address some of their new theories, but it remains to be seen whether we can ever comprehend reality.
But for the lay person, the bottom line is everything is energy just like the ancients taught.
A growing number of scientists venture further and exhort the universe is mental and spiritual.
This is part of the bridge between science and spirituality.