What is a Candida Yeast Infection?
These infections are most commonly caused by the Candida albicans species.
In a laboratory setting, the yeast are large and form round colonies and exhibit a whitish gray color.
They live normally and peacefully along with other flora in the human body and do not present a problem until they grow out of control.
The warm and moist areas of the body, such as the skin, mouth, armpits, and vaginal region, are more vulnerable to the infections.
When you develop a yeast infection in the vaginal area it is commonly known as Candidiasis.
The yeast cells are individual and oval shaped when viewed with a microscope and reproduce by budding.
What happens here is that a piece of material that has the exact same genetics falls off the parent cell and becomes a separate organism.
What are the Causes? There are two primary conditions that must be maintained to prevent the development of a yeast infection.
First, a specific body temperature must be maintained.
The second condition is the pH level, which must remain balanced.
Both of these conditions, when changed, will cause the death of the probiotic bacteria which grow in symbiosis with the yeast and allows the yeast to grow unconditionally.
What Are The Symptoms? The burning and itching sensations of a yeast infection are usually the first that appear.
Soreness and tingling in the involved areas can also be present.
Proliferation of the yeast is seen when an affected area is scratched.
Additional symptoms of a Candida yeast infection include pain, swelling of the joints, fatigue, drowsiness, muscle aches, dizziness, fluid retention, swelling of the tissues, loss of balance, lack of coordination, lack of concentration, poor memory, depression, irritability, or anxiety.
The yeast infection may produce a combination of symptoms when present.
Carbohydrates, sugars, and alcohol are often craved.
The overgrowth of yeast in a Candida yeast infection may also cause other specific side effects, including white or cream colored patches inside the mouth including the lips, gums, and palates.
These have also been known to produce digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and making bowel movements more difficult.
Patchy sores near the head or on the foreskin of the penis in the male is an additional symptom.
Discharge from the genitalia, ears, and bowels may also be experienced.
If left untreated, a Candida yeast infection can cause or worsen serious or fatal diseases.
These diseases include HIV, AIDS, and diabetes mellitus.
A yeast infection can be promptly treated and cured if immediate attention and proper diagnosis is sought.