How to Add a Blog Entry on Tumblr
- 1). Log in to your Tumblr account.
- 2). Click on the icon on your dashboard that corresponds to the type of post you want to make.
- 3). Fill in the form with the content of your post and click "Create Post."
- 1). Log in to your Tumblr account and click on the title of your blog at the top of your dashboard, then click "Settings."
- 2). Scroll down on the settings page until you reach a line labeled "Post by Email." Note the email address found on that line and add it to the list of contacts in your email program.
- 3). Send an email to that address whenever you want to make a new blog post. The email's subject will turn into the post title, while whatever you place in the email's body will turn into the post content. You can include images, links, quotes and sound files.
- 1). Log in to your Tumblr account and click on "Goodies" at the bottom of your dashboard.
- 2). Scroll down to the section labeled "Call in audio" and click the "Configure" button.
- 3). Enter the number you will be making your phone calls from in the text box and click "Save." You can also configure an optional PIN.
- 4). Call 866-584-6757 from the phone number you specified to make an audio post.
- 1). Install the Tumblr app on your iPhone, Blackberry or Android. You can find the app by searching for "Tumblr" on the app marketplace for your device.
- 2). Launch the app from your device's menu.
- 3). Select "Post," select the post type, fill in the form and select "Create Post."