Facebook in Company - Yes or No?
The fact on how Facebook can be distracting is known and it explains the reasons why there is more and more company owners who decide to block Facebook in their companies.
First question, which company owners should ask themselves is, should they block this, most popular, social networking site or not? Some studies show that in average whole world is losing 168 million dollars daily as consequence of employees spending their time on Facebook instead on working.
There are also studies that point to the fact that employees will spend 39 minutes every day on their Facebook accounts instead to their work.
These are the studies which were basic reason why some company owners decided to block mentioned site.
Taking all that facts into account, there are really good reasons why Facebook should be blocked in company, especially when we count all lost hours on weekly and monthly basis.
The problem appears when Facebook is actually used to as tool that increases productivity and affect company goals.
In that case Facebook is used as main tool for marketing of company activities and can increase sales.
There are many companies dedicated to just marketing via Facebook.
These elements are both suggesting that this, most popular, social networking site should be blocked and at the same time not blocked.
As solution we would first need to analyze and compare benefits from having Facebook blocked and left free for use.
This analyze could help company owners to determine what they should do.
As the best proven solution when company owners want to block Facebook would be to limit access to Facebook to only specific times during the week; blocking Facebook at working hours and making free access during lunch times as an example.
First question, which company owners should ask themselves is, should they block this, most popular, social networking site or not? Some studies show that in average whole world is losing 168 million dollars daily as consequence of employees spending their time on Facebook instead on working.
There are also studies that point to the fact that employees will spend 39 minutes every day on their Facebook accounts instead to their work.
These are the studies which were basic reason why some company owners decided to block mentioned site.
Taking all that facts into account, there are really good reasons why Facebook should be blocked in company, especially when we count all lost hours on weekly and monthly basis.
The problem appears when Facebook is actually used to as tool that increases productivity and affect company goals.
In that case Facebook is used as main tool for marketing of company activities and can increase sales.
There are many companies dedicated to just marketing via Facebook.
These elements are both suggesting that this, most popular, social networking site should be blocked and at the same time not blocked.
As solution we would first need to analyze and compare benefits from having Facebook blocked and left free for use.
This analyze could help company owners to determine what they should do.
As the best proven solution when company owners want to block Facebook would be to limit access to Facebook to only specific times during the week; blocking Facebook at working hours and making free access during lunch times as an example.