How to Trace A Cell Phone Number For Free
- 1). Type the cell phone number into your favorite search engine with parenthesis around it. This will tell the search engine to do an exact search for the specific cell phone number you are looking for. If the number is listed anywhere on the web, chances are there will be a name and other information close by.
- 2). Find a reverse cell number lookup service on the web. Most of these reverse lookup services will provide you with the location (city/state) of the number free of charge. If you want to find additional information like their name and address you will need to pay a small fee.
- 3). Search the online white pages. More and more people are starting to list their cell phone numbers in regular phone books these days. Land lines are being replaced by cell phones in many homes. Type the cell phone number into the reverse lookup section of the white pages and hope for the best.