How to Totally Annihilate a Systemic Candida Infection With 100% Natural Methods
My infection was so rampant that it just about wrecked my life.
There were days when the pain was so bad I could hardly get out of bed.
I spent so many days completely depressed wondering when or if, I would ever get my life back! I became so desperate for an answer that I tried all kinds of weird creams and home remedies...
I'd get some temporary relief but the symptoms would just come raging back, often as different issues! But I have some excellent news that I am just dying to share with you.
I discovered some natural cures that wiped out my systemic Candida infection and I know for a fact that these methods will work for you too! Here's what worked for me: 1) Get a healthy dose of probiotics: These are the "good intestinal flora" that work to regulate your immune system while fighting off Candida.
Probiotics also help with the creation of B vitamins while making the absorption of these easier for the body.
Vitamin B is essential toward fighting off Candida.
There are several things that can kill off the proper balance of probiotics in your body.
The first is antibiotic medications, so make sure that you only use them when absolutely necessary.
Another is poor diet.
The easiest way to replace your probiotics is to eat yogurt with live active cultures in it.
2) Eat your prebiotics: Prebiotics pave the way for a better environment for the probiotics I told you about in the first tip.
Prebiotics are indigestible carbohydrates that pass through your system and feed the probiotics so that they are healthy and can fight off yeast.
Some examples are raw oats, unprocessed wheat, and unprocessed barley.
But if you don't feel like eating a horse's diet, you can take a supplement called Lactulose that will do the trick.
3) Use Gentian Violet: This is a traditional remedy that works well on inflammation and itching as well as helping to speed up the process of your overall yeast infection treatment.
You can pick it up at your local pharmacy as it is an over the counter medication.
To use it properly you need to swab the effected area once or twice a day.
Just make sure to be careful with it and use a good maxi pad as it stains everything!