How To Discipline a Child - 4 Positive Discipline Techniques
There are a number of positive discipline techniques that can be applied but first let's look at the difference between RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR and RESPONSIBILITY.
RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR is how your child handles or conducts him or herself according to a specific standard they have learned.
For example, your child knows how to behave in a specific way in a restaurant because you as the parent taught them.
RESPONSIBILITY is when your child owns and understands the consequences of their decisions.
For example, they know that if they don't conduct themselves in a specific manner their will be consequences to their behavior which could mean discipline or punishment.
By limiting freedom and prescribing choice to your children, you are teaching them responsible behavior.
With this in mind, us as parents, will have a better understanding of how to discipline a child.
What should follow is positive discipline techniques that will encourage our children to behave and grow in a responsible manner.
With some research I found 4 positive discipline techniques that have positive outcomes on how to discipline a child:
- The first technique is to use Guidance.
This is communication which is one sided and comes from you as the parent.
You need to ask yourself, what is it I want my child to know from me.
The purpose of guidance is to provide your child with information during the process of growing up.
Our children grow up with many sources of information to influence them but none will compete with you. - The second positive discipline technique is Supervision.
Your child needs to be kept after and be kept track of.
Children don't like this as they feel they can not escape the demands of their parents.
This however needs to be done because it means you are willing to back up your requests by repeating yourself until your child complies.
If this positive discipline technique is not used, children can miss it and feel that you don't care. - The third technique on how to discipline your child is Punishment: This can be a very persuasive technique.
it is all about applying negative consequences to non-compliance of your rules.
Punishment is meant as a strong corrective statement to violations of significant family agreements.
It should be used to teach our children what not to do again.
It should be noted that how to punish a child should have a positive effect and should not be handed down out of frustration or anger.
Put your emotions aside before deciding on a suitable punishment. - The fourth positive discipline technique is the process of Exchange: This has the most training value.
It's about giving and receiving.
Your child should know that there is a connection between getting what they want and you as the parent getting what you want.
So if your child next expects something from you make sure to let them know that you want something in return.
This is the exchange where the child does something for you in order receive from you in return.
It's future value will help your child understand how to conduct healthy relationships in future.
We all want well behaved children and we want them to shine as adults and conduct themselves in a manner we can be proud of.
These positive discipline techniques should only be seen as the basics on how to discipline a child.
Knowing how to punish a child is of same importance and should be researched in more depth.
We as parents understand the importance of discipline but it is perfecting positive discipline techniques on how to discipline a child that may be more challenging.