How to Prevent Recurrent Yeast Infections
You may have to take several measures to make sure you don't have to go through the irritation, pain, itching, discharge, odor and other problems associated with this problem again.
Here are some tips that can help prevent recurrent yeast infection: 1) If you are active in water sports like swimming then make sure you change swimsuits and other clothes immediately after you complete your stint.
This is critical to prevent conditions conducive for candida overgrowth.
2) Wear underwear and panties with a cotton crotch.
Cotton is most suited for human skin.
It also absorbs moisture very well.
It allows air to circulate because it is porous.
3) During menstrual periods it is important that you change pads and tampons frequently.
This is important to maintain hygiene and a moisture free vagina.
4) Another important step is to refrain from douching.
You may have heard a lot of benefits of douching.
However douching causes more damage and this has been confirmed by doctors also.
5) If you think use of scented soaps, pads, sprays and other items will help suppress the bad odor, then you would be surprised to know that all this does not help.
You will only cause more harm to the vagina skin and encourage recurrent yeast infection.
6) You will need treatment for your partner also.
This infection is not just limited to women.
Men have an equal chance of getting the candida infection.
If you want to prevent recurrent yeast infection, this step is important.