Sawyer"s Nicknames for Sayid
Sayid's Profile
Sawyer's Profile
- Abdul: Sayid is talking about satellites. Sawyer says, "How about we talk about that other thing? You know that transmission Abdul picked up on his little radio?" (Ep: 1x3, Tabula Rasa)
- Abdul is an old Arabic name.
- Captain Falafel: Jack and Sayid both want Kate to go to their camps. "So what's it like having both the doctor and Captain Falafel fighting over you?" (Ep: 1x6, House of the Rising Sun)
- A Falafel is a fried ball made from spiced fava beans or chickpeas.
- Muhammad: Charlie is looking for Kate. "Her and Mohammad headed into the woods about 10 minutes ago." ( Ep: 1x7, The Moth)
- Muhammad established the religion of Islam and the Muslim community.
- Ali: Sayid prepares to torture Sawyer. "You know what I think, Ali? I think you've never actually tortured anybody in your life." ( Ep: 1x8, Confidence Man)
- Ali was an early Islamic leader.
- Red Beret: Sawyer wants Sayid to go with them to get Walt, but Michael doesn't want him to. "Yeah, well, him says even though Pippi Longstocking and the damn Grape Ape are ideal candidates for the Dirty Dozen -- I'm just going to say we might just want to bring the Red Beret." (Ep: 2x22, Three Minutes)
- Berets are worn by many military units. This is a reference to Sayid being in the Republican Guard.
- Captain Arab: Sawyer goes to Michael to tell him that Sayid will be coming with them to get Walt from the Others. "Captain Arab's in too." (Ep: 2x22, Three Minutes)
- The Arabs are an ethnic group mainly found throughout the Middle East and North Africa.
- Chief: Sayid tells Sawyer he should let him go, but Sawyer says he can't because he's earned these people's trust. "So you've got yourself a choice, chief, either you cooperate and join the party in Dharmaville, or you're on your own." (Ep: 5x10, He's Our You)