Form Cutting Tools
- One of the easiest ways to cut forms is to use a hot wire cutter. A hot wire cutter looks similar to a coping saw, but instead of a blade, it has a stainless steel wire. The wire is heated to 200 degrees Fahrenheit through electronic conduction. The heat from the wire causes the form to melt around the blade, making a clean and precise cut in the form. This kind of cutter works for rigid and soft forms.
- A saw is another way to cut rigid forms. Saws do not work well with soft forms, as the saw will tear through the form and leave an ugly, uneven edge. The best kind of saw to use is an electric saw, such as a table saw or hand-held electric saw. You can also use a hand-operated saw, such as a coping saw or basic handsaw to cut through the form. The saw may cause some tearing even with a rigid form, so care is necessary.
- One of the best ways to cut soft forms is with scissors. Scissors employ two sharp blades to cut cleanly through the form to make a clean and straight cut. Scissors work best with smaller form pieces that are thinner than 2 inches. You can also use a paper cutter to cut through soft forms. A large paper cutter can cut through larger thicknesses of soft form quickly and easily.
- You can use a utility knife to cut through rigid or soft forms. The utility knife is not the best cutting instrument to use for either form, but it does work as a last resort for both. Use the utility knife like a saw to cut through rigid form, and use it like scissors to cut through softer form. Using a utility knife works best with a hard surface under the form to hold the form in place as you make the cut.