Making Stretch Bead Bracelets
- Making these colorful stretch bead bracelets is very easy. Using a variety of colored and textured beads you can craft beautiful designs. You will need:
* A pack of thin elastic thread
* Multicolor beads
* Thin needle used for beading
* Inch tape
* Scissors
Measure your wrist with the inch tape, keep it slightly fitted. Mark an inch longer and cut several strands of the thin elastic. Thread the elastic through the needle and insert the beads one by one until the entire length of elastic is covered. Vary the design by using either same color beads in each bracelet or alternating different colors. For instance, follow the colors of a rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet), or switch off on patriotic red, white and blue, or school colors.
Remove the needle and tie the two ends together firmly. Trim the extra elastic thread on the bracelet for a finished look.
Deciding the bracelet design depends on the artist's creativity and choice. Like the wooden beads stretch bracelet here has a more complicated design, but after some practice, can be made fairly easily. The long wooden beads are used as the center pieces alternately to join the smaller beads and form a statement bracelet.
The stretch-bead bracelets pictured above are slightly chunky and stylish and simply use large cats-eye beads and some small glass beads alternately. You can copy this using dark blue glass beads, light blue oblong ones, square white and blue beads and then the cats eye; or any other combination to match your favorite dress.