How To Get a Six Pack, The Right Way!
The thing is when trying to get that definition on your abs a lot of people do one thing.
Thousands and thousands of sit-ups, crunches, leg raises, etc.
The problem with this is if your body fat percentage is more than say 15% your abdominal muscles will be hidden underneath that belly.
So what I am saying is you need to lay off the ab exercises because if you keep just solely working your abs then what your find is that your belly will increase in size because the muscle underneath will be pushing it out.
So with the aim of decreasing your tummy size your effectively doing the opposite.
Read on for my killer tips to get them abs! The first step is to get your body fat percentage below 15% and to about 6-10% for serious definition.
The way to do this is to do real cardio workouts.
The reason I say real cardio workouts is because most peoples cardio involves doing 30-40 mins on each machine of steady pace cardio.
Steady pace cardio isn't as effective as 'stop & go' movements.
The difference is with stop & go movements you will do quick bursts of high intense running or cycling followed by a rest period.
Now the rest period is key as it means your body will get charged for the next burst and you will respond more positively to this.
Example Exercise: Warmup - 3-4 minutes of fast walking Interval 1 - 1 minute of jogging Interval 2 - 1.
5 minute of slow walking Interval 3 - 1 minute of fast running Interval 4 - 1.
5 minute of fast walking Repeat this for 20-30 minutes for a very intensive cardio workout! Remember to change this to your ability as this is just an example, and can use this example on all the other cardio machines.
Whilst doing these cardio workouts you want to incorporate muscle building workouts.
Now if your doing 1-2 hours of training use 15 minutes of that time doing ab exercises, if that.
The exercises you want to focus on are squats, deadlifts, chin ups, pull ups, pressups and exercises like the side plank and the plank.
As these exercises use more than just one muscle group they will not only build muscle but will burn the fat off at the same time.
Try these tips out, put them into good use and you will start to see results.
Remember the importance of nutrition as this will really stop any results from working.
Thousands and thousands of sit-ups, crunches, leg raises, etc.
The problem with this is if your body fat percentage is more than say 15% your abdominal muscles will be hidden underneath that belly.
So what I am saying is you need to lay off the ab exercises because if you keep just solely working your abs then what your find is that your belly will increase in size because the muscle underneath will be pushing it out.
So with the aim of decreasing your tummy size your effectively doing the opposite.
Read on for my killer tips to get them abs! The first step is to get your body fat percentage below 15% and to about 6-10% for serious definition.
The way to do this is to do real cardio workouts.
The reason I say real cardio workouts is because most peoples cardio involves doing 30-40 mins on each machine of steady pace cardio.
Steady pace cardio isn't as effective as 'stop & go' movements.
The difference is with stop & go movements you will do quick bursts of high intense running or cycling followed by a rest period.
Now the rest period is key as it means your body will get charged for the next burst and you will respond more positively to this.
Example Exercise: Warmup - 3-4 minutes of fast walking Interval 1 - 1 minute of jogging Interval 2 - 1.
5 minute of slow walking Interval 3 - 1 minute of fast running Interval 4 - 1.
5 minute of fast walking Repeat this for 20-30 minutes for a very intensive cardio workout! Remember to change this to your ability as this is just an example, and can use this example on all the other cardio machines.
Whilst doing these cardio workouts you want to incorporate muscle building workouts.
Now if your doing 1-2 hours of training use 15 minutes of that time doing ab exercises, if that.
The exercises you want to focus on are squats, deadlifts, chin ups, pull ups, pressups and exercises like the side plank and the plank.
As these exercises use more than just one muscle group they will not only build muscle but will burn the fat off at the same time.
Try these tips out, put them into good use and you will start to see results.
Remember the importance of nutrition as this will really stop any results from working.