Does the Law of Attraction Really Exist?
And it sounds great, doesn't it? Focus on what you want, and you will attract it into your life.
Unfortunately, it isn't really that simple and there are lots of people who don't believe it actually works.
So what's the truth? Is it an actual "law" of the universe or just a bunch of hokum used to sell books and movies? The fact is, it's somewhere in between the two.
A lot of the books and other materials that talk about the Law of Attraction make it sound like some kind of magical menu system - you tell the universe what you want and it brings it to you on a platter.
This isn't the way it works though.
Knowing what you want, and focusing on it, is only half the puzzle.
To make the Law of Attraction work for you, you also need to take focused action to reach your goals.
This makes it sound like you're the one making it happen, not the Law of Attraction, doesn't it? This is true to a certain degree, but the way the universe works when you're attracting your goals is it will provide you with the things you need to reach them, as long as you make yourself aware of them when they're presented, and you act on them when they show up.
So if your goal is to be debt free, you can't just focus on being debt free and sit and watch TV all day, waiting for the Law of Attraction to attract a bunch of money into your life.
You need to take steps to get yourself out of debt - but the steps you take may not be the ones you would first think of.
When you're taking action, you're going to attract opportunities into your life that will help you get to where you want to be.
So instead of attracting a big lottery win to pay off your debt, for example, you might attract contact with someone who is a debt management expert and can help you restructure your debt and create a financial plan to get it paid off in half the time.
Not as sexy as a big lottery jackpot, I'll admit, but it would still be a better solution than where you were at before you met that person, wouldn't it?