The Health Insurance Group Signs Up to the Public Health Responsibility Deal
The Department of Health created this deal to try and combat the culture of over-eating, over-drinking and under-exercising that has become common among too many of us. Therefore they have decided to try and tackle the problem where people spend a large amount of their time; in the workplace. Companies sign up to a number of core commitments and pledges, displaying that they have a vital role to play in keeping people active and healthy. They can then have to add on to this at least one of the collective pledges that the Department of Health has created; these pledges detailing specific actions concerning alcohol, food, health and physical exercise.
The Health Insurance Group, having agreed to the deal, has obviously signed up to the core commitments and pledges of the initiative. In addition, we have committed ourselves to three of the collective pledges offered by the Department of Health. Namely:
1. Pledge F6: Fruit and Vegetables
2. Pledge H2: Occupational Health Standards
3. Pledge H6: Staff Health Checks
These may seem like indecipherable numbers and words, however, they have the potential to create real benefits.
Pledge F6 means that The Health Insurance Group will do more to promote healthy eating in the workplace. Making sure our customers and staff are aware of the benefits of eating plenty of fruit and vegetables through incentives and other marketing activities, while helping them to achieve their 5-a-day!
Pledges H2 and H6 have been taken to ensure that all of our experts and other staff can continue to compare health insurance ( for our customers, making sure that our staff are fit and healthy and helping to keep things that way. The way that we do this is by committing ourselves to using only those occupational health service providers that have been accredited by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, and pledging to conduct regular health checks on our staff.
The Health Insurance Group has now proved that it is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for its staff, so you can be sure that we are the private medical insurance ( intermediary that really cares about public well being.