Benefits of Green Tea and Green Tea Supplements
Probably the most notable and one of the first benefits to come to light is the use of green tea to help ward off heart disease. Green tea contains properties that allow its polyphenols to help prevent both heart disease and potentially even cancer. Many studies have revealed that the polyphenols, tocopherols and carotenoids found in green tea can help with bone density and dental cavities as well.
The antioxidants found in green tea are thought to be stronger than those found in black tea. Green tea even contains vitamin C, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants around. Antioxidants are important for the heart and cognitive functioning, but also for organs like the skin. Antioxidants are known to help keep organs healthier longer. As far as the skin is concerned, because antioxidants help to fight off free radicals, the damage done to this external organ can be far less than would be the case if you did not have the benefit of antioxidants.
Another study of green tea shows that it helps to lower cholesterol as well. Therefore, if your diet is still rich in foods with high cholesterol such as eggs and certain dairy products, drinking green tea on a regular basis may help to lower your cholesterol levels.
One benefit of green tea that has helped to increase its popularity is its possible effect on weight loss efforts. One popular study showed that the oxidation of fat increases seventeen percent in those people who consumed green tea while dieting, versus the people in the study who dieted alone without green tea. Even better, these people seemed to expend more energy altogether after consuming green tea, as opposed to the group who did not consume green tea. It would appear, then, that ingesting green tea can actually help people to lose weight when combined with a proper, healthy diet and moderate exercise.
It is important to note that taking green tea supplements or drinking a lot of green tea on its own is not going to cure serious illnesses, but it is worth mentioning that research is underway to see how green tea can be better used to assist in the treatment of certain diseases. For instance, while there have not been any studies conclusive enough to market green tea supplements for this purpose, green tea has made some headway in the scientific community for possibly assisting in the treatment of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. It is interesting to note that the some green tea studies did show reduced numbers of brain cells dying, as well as actual repair to some already-damaged neurons in the brain.
Another interesting fact about green tea is that although technically it contains more caffeine than coffee when first brewed, it is better for you for energy. This is because it is said to give the drinker a sense of calm and well-being, even though it contains caffeine. If you drink green tea, you will find your energy levels rising as well as your concentration and focus, but you will not suffer from the jittery, ‘racing' feeling that coffee or other caffeine-laden drinks can sometimes give you.
These are just some of the many, many benefits of green tea. You can take green tea in convenient capsule form, or drink many varieties and flavors of green tea that are easy to find in your vitamin store or even in your local supermarket aisle. With all of these wonderful reasons to drink it, why not brew yourself a cup today and go from there? You will be adding something to your diet which can increase vitality, and you will be taking another step toward engaging in a healthier lifestyle.