Dietary Predictors of Maternal Prenatal Blood Mercury Levels
Dietary Predictors of Maternal Prenatal Blood Mercury Levels
Although we confirmed that seafood was a major dietary contributor to blood mercury levels in our study population, estimated intakes of the three seafood items evaluated in our study (white fish, oily fish, and shellfish) accounted for only 8.75% of the estimated variation in log-transformed blood mercury concentrations. Of interest are the increased mercury levels in women who drank herbal teas, as well as confirmation of a "protective effect" of foods such as french fries, white bread, and milk, and the question that is raised by these results: Where is the rest of the blood mercury coming from?
Although we confirmed that seafood was a major dietary contributor to blood mercury levels in our study population, estimated intakes of the three seafood items evaluated in our study (white fish, oily fish, and shellfish) accounted for only 8.75% of the estimated variation in log-transformed blood mercury concentrations. Of interest are the increased mercury levels in women who drank herbal teas, as well as confirmation of a "protective effect" of foods such as french fries, white bread, and milk, and the question that is raised by these results: Where is the rest of the blood mercury coming from?