How to Break a Schnoodle Puppy of Biting Habits
- 1). Take your schnoodle for daily leashed walks. In general, poodles and schnauzers are fairly active breeds and both have tendencies to become a bit hyper. Allowing your schnoodle to burn off this energy will help it to relax and make it tired. If your schnoodle has exerted itself and doesn't have that pent-up energy, it may be too tired to even bother with biting. In addition, if the schnoodle isn't feeling high-strung and anxious as a result of having too much energy, it will likely be less inclined to bite.
- 2). Say "Ouch" or "No" firmly and retract your hand or other affected body part away from the schnoodle when it bites. Schnoodles are quite intelligent, fairly sensitive dogs that will likely react to your verbal display of unhappiness. Once you let your puppy know that biting hurts, stop playing with it for a few moments. This will show the schnoodle that when it bites, playing ceases. If your schnoodle continues to bite, walk away from it for a bit. When you come back and the pup starts to play without biting, reward it with a treat or praise to encourage that type of friendly play.
- 3). Shake a can of coins when your schnoodle starts nipping you. Poodles and schnauzers are both a bit sensitive when it comes to loud noises, and this type of treatment may startle the pooch. Over time, your schnoodle will start to recognize that biting results in that awful sound and will strive to avoid it.
- 4). Show your schnoodle that you are boss. Both poodles and schnauzers have tendencies to want to be in control. This trait can easily be passed on to a schnoodle. If your dog thinks it is in control, it will do whatever it wants, including biting. Therefore, it is essential to assert your dominance over your schnoodle. Do this by walking ahead of it through doors and making your schnoodle wait until you give it permission to eat.