Bankruptcy and Your Credit Report
Bankruptcy is very sensitive and could end up ruining your credit report. The bad credit report could remain with you for up to ten years after the filing of your case. This greatly lowers your credit rating and scores making it hard for you to get any form of funding when you most need it to rebuild your life.
It is important to understand that there are things that are not dischargeable even in your bankrupt position. Such things include child support, taxes and student loans; hence the great need to make the payments as soon as you can. This is because a delay in meeting your obligations could continue to dent your credit report when the credit bureaus get to know about it.
You should be prepared to find it hard to do things you could easily do earlier when you have a ruined credit report due to bankruptcy. For instance, if you manage to get a loan to help rebuild your life, you could end up paying higher interest rates compared to other people with good credit scores. The same case applies when you are trying to get insurance as your premiums could be much higher as institutions feel the need to be cautious with you because of your bad credit history.
However, being bankrupt should not be viewed as the end of life but the chance to have a fresh start and correct past mistakes. There is no reason why you should shy off from asking for loans even with your low credit scores as there are institutions out there that are willing to offer you what you need. With the proper credit counseling, you will have all options of rebuilding your credit report laid out to you, making it easy for you to mend your loopholes.