What Are the 3 P's of Diabetes?
- Knowing how to identity the warning signs of uncontrolled diabetes is essential to getting early treatment to fight the disease. A valuable diagnosis tool for people to use are the three Ps of diabetes: polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia .
- Polyuria is a red flag for diabetes. It is an excessive passage of urine and the need to urinate frequently. Note how much water you are drinking, how regularly you urinate and the volume of urine Call your doctor if you have excessive urination over several days, and it is not because of medications or an increase in liquids.
- Polydipsia is a recurrent fluid intake due to insurmountable thirst. It is caused by the dehydration from the polyuria. Call your doctor if you are drinking frequently and there is no short-term explanation such as the consumption of salty, sugary or spicy foods, or dry mouth.
- Polyphagia is described as constant eating. In the case of diabetes, this happens because the person cannot use glucose properly, which leaves him constantly hungry.
- In addition to the three Ps, common symptoms of diabetes include unusual weight loss or gain, irritability, exhaustion, hazy vision, wounds that won't heal, and tingling in the fingers and toes. It is not uncommon for individuals with type 2 diabetes to have no signs of developing diabetes. This is why it is important to be aware of the risks factors as well as the signs and follow the recommended guidelines.