How to Install Built-in Bookshelves in an Existing Wall
- 1). Locate and mark the studs in the wall where you would like to install the bookcase, using a stud finder.
- 2). Mark the rectangular dimensions of the bookcase on the wall, using a pencil and a straightedge.
- 3). Cut out the shape to remove the section of drywall, using a reciprocating saw or a drywall saw.
- 4). Measure the horizontal space between the wall studs, using a tape measure. Transfer the measurement to a 2-by-4. Use a miter saw or chop saw to cut the piece to fit the space.
- 5). Screw or nail the 2-by-4 between the studs at the point where it will sit on and support the top of the bookcase. Set the edge of the board just behind the top cut edge of the drywall. If the bookcase won't be sitting on the floor, also measure and cut a board to support the bottom of the bookcase. Secure the board to the adjoining studs with screws or nails.
- 6). Insert the bookcase between the studs, into the area you framed.
- 7). Drill pilot holes that run at diagonals through the studs and the sides of the bookcase so you can toenail the bookcase in place. Drill a pilot hole every 10 to 12 inches. Screw the bookcase in place, being careful to not screw through the inside of the bookcase.
- 8). Measure the bookcase space for trim pieces to frame the bookcase. The trim will conceal the cut edges of the drywall. Cut the trim pieces using a miter saw. Set the saw to a 45-degree angle to create beveled corner joints.
- 9). Nail the trim in place, nailing it into the studs, using finish nails.
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Cover the nail heads with wood filler. Stain or paint the bookcase and trim as desired.