A disembodied voice is imitating members of the household.
We live in Ohio out in the country around a small town called West Elkton. We have a large farmhouse and a garage/shop on about an acre.
Our son was out in our shop one night working on a wood project. It was around 2:00 a.m. or so and he told me he heard his dad call his name. He said it sounded like his dad, but he knew it wasn't. It really freaked him out. Of course it wasn't his dad as he was asleep in the house and had been for hours.
What is weird it that this is not the first time something like this happened at our house. One night I was sound asleep around 2:00 a.m. when I heard my son say, "Hey, Mom." It is a term he uses a lot and it woke me up. Being a mom, it sounded like my son, but it wasn't him... I knew it was a little off, not quite right.
Anyway, being awake and scared at that time, I got up to see where Austin (my son) was. He often stays up late as he is a musician and records and practices late. I checked on him and he was recording in his room. Of course he didn't come into my room and call my name; he isn't a little child, but a grown man of 28, so it was very creepy.
Now we are wondering why something is trying to mimic loved ones in our house. I am scared it is demonic. Has anyone else had experiences like this?
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Our son was out in our shop one night working on a wood project. It was around 2:00 a.m. or so and he told me he heard his dad call his name. He said it sounded like his dad, but he knew it wasn't. It really freaked him out. Of course it wasn't his dad as he was asleep in the house and had been for hours.
What is weird it that this is not the first time something like this happened at our house. One night I was sound asleep around 2:00 a.m. when I heard my son say, "Hey, Mom." It is a term he uses a lot and it woke me up. Being a mom, it sounded like my son, but it wasn't him... I knew it was a little off, not quite right.
Anyway, being awake and scared at that time, I got up to see where Austin (my son) was. He often stays up late as he is a musician and records and practices late. I checked on him and he was recording in his room. Of course he didn't come into my room and call my name; he isn't a little child, but a grown man of 28, so it was very creepy.
Now we are wondering why something is trying to mimic loved ones in our house. I am scared it is demonic. Has anyone else had experiences like this?
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