Video: How to Make Icing for Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses
Video Transcript
We're now going to make our royal icing which will act as our glue for our graham cracker gingerbread houses. So we start with three tablespoons of meringue powder. That is an egg white powder that you can get at your markets, or your cake decorating stores, even the arts and craft supply places. Six tablespoons of water, and we have a pound of powdered sugar. That works out to be about four cups. Now royal icing dries really quickly, so once it you have it all mixed up you have to make sure you keep it covered. There we go. All right. And using your whisk, start out slowly, and you mix it for seven to ten minutes. Since it mixes for that long, sometimes I put a towel over my mixer just so the air doesn't get to it. Now about halfway in, come in and check and make sure you push down the powder sugar that's climbed up on the edge of the bowl and then continue mixing. All right, after about seven minutes check your icing. It looks very shiny, and very sticky, and like I said earlier, it dries quickly, so we just want to make sure we keep it covered until we're ready to use it. And that's our segment on making royal icing.