Breast Augmentation Complications - Does Advanced Age or Gender Predict Adverse Outcomes?
Out of these many studies there has been one major conclusion which is that age alone will not create any increased chances of potential breast augmentation complications.
Unfortunately, gender has been shown to cause issues with future breast augmentation complications along with the patient's weight.
Now when stating that a person's weight may cause adverse effects, this is in no way relating to a person's body mass index as this is only a ratio of a patient's height to weight.
It was also discovered that things like smoking and diabetes also plays no role in increased complications.
An actual mathematical formula has since been created to determine ones chances of incurring a complication after having a breast augmentation procedure.
The factors utilized in this formula include the patient's gender and physical weight in pounds.
From this information it has been determined that men have a higher chance of getting a complication then women.
These complication chances will increase faster for men than women but weight alone was found to play an important role in the patient's chances for complications.
There was no relevant data that was found that could say whether a person's age could affectively increase or decrease a patient's chances of developing a breast augmentation complication.
Regardless of this statistical data, there is still a chance of developing a breast augmentation related complication by anyone who has undergone the procedure.
These studies were focused mainly on the major complications associated with breast augmentation and not the minimal complications.
It is important to speak with your surgeon to determine whether you are at a heightened risk of developing a breast augmentation related complication later on in life.
This should be just one of the many inquiries a potential breast augmentation candidate should bring to the attention of a plastic surgeon during his or her consultation.
The prediction of possible complications associated with any surgical procedure only represents the chance as to whether a patient is more or less likely to develop a complication.
This chance can never be 0% or 100%.