Several Types of Heart Disease
There are several types of heart disease.
They include coronary cardiac disease, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, angina, and rheumatic cardiac disease.
Coronary cardiac disease - This disease attacks the blood vessel and causes heart attack.
Stroke - Stroke is caused by the less blood that flows into brain.
It also might be because of bleeding in brain.
Heart failure is very frightening.
In this case, the heart of sufferer beats unstably.
Pericarditis - This disease is the inflammatory disease that surrounds the layer of heart that is commonly caused by infection.
However, this disorder happens rarely.
Abnormal heart rhythm - Heart normally beats 60 - 100 times per minute.
But, if it beats unstably, it is called as arrhythmia or dysrhythmia.
If it beats slowly (below 60 times per minute), it is called as bradyarrhythmia.
Meanwhile, if it beats fast (above 100 times per minute), it is called as tachyarrhythmia.
Heart valve disease - It is caused by the broken heart valve.
In this case, heart valve functions to organize the blood flow to enter heart in the same direction.
Cardiomyopathies - It is the magnification of heart or its reduction abnormally or this organ even becomes rigid.
As a result, it can be weak or it pumps blood abnormally.
If this disease is not handled well, this can cause heart failure.
Congenital cardiac disease - It usually happens to children.
The early indication of this disease can be detected in their birth or in their childhood.