HGH For a More Lasting Improved Brain
Human growth hormone (HGH) has shown an important huge amount of results for the brain through numerous clinical trails.
The infusion of HGH into the brain can greatly benefit the brain in many ways and this is indicated by the big number of receptors in different parts of the brain expressly for the HGH molecule.
Scientists have thought it to be scientifically impossible for HGH to be infused into the brain because of the blood brain barrier which filters out huge molecules such as the HGH molecule.
To validate this unfeasibility scientists injected patients with HGH and then did a spinal tap in the cerebrospinal fluid which runs from the brain.
To the downright surprise of scientists when they did the spinal tap in the cerebrospinal fluid for HGH there was a tenfold increase of HGH.
In this instance they could at least clearly validate that HGH really did obtain into the brain but could not scientifically analyze and observe it.
There are hence many examples like this such as in the clincally tested benefits that people get from homeopathic products where most in the scientific community and people such as arrogant anti quack quacks argue it is in contradiction of science and not genuine just because science has not been competent to fully scrutinize and appreciate something.
There are numerous examples where numerous years afterward what was deemed as non scientific and phony was in fact science they had not yet advanced into.
Since there is no trouble for HGH to go into the brain because the blood brain barrier somehow can filter it out, let us look at some of the results of HGH for the brain.
Numerous scientific tests have established that all our organs which shrivel with age grow back significantly towards their original dimension with enhanced function as well as the brain when receiving HGH thearpy.
At age 20 our brain reaches its largest dimension and subsequently begins to get smaller until by 90 years old it is 10% less in weight.
Experts in the field of neuroscience say that this shrinkage is not owing to the loss of 50,000 to 100,000 brain cells a day that occurs as one ages, but rather because dendritic connections between cells are being lost.
Many still suppose the brain shrinks due to the loss of 50,000 to 100,000 brains cells a day which occurs as one ages, but experts in the field of neuroscience say this is rather owing to the loss of dendritic connections between cells.
These dendritic branch like connections between brain cells have a lot to do with our capability to function and our memory.
The growth and regrowth of these peripheral dendrites is stimulated by HGH growth factors as well as others cells such as the glial cells which nurture these neurons or brain cells.
When growth hormone was injected into the brains of old rats, it was revealed that they were able to swim through a complex maze while other rats of the same age that did not receive these growth factors could not do it.
There is high amounts of growth hormone in the brains of newborns and young animals which reveals that growth hormone plays a key role in their development by stimulating the growth of neurons and glial cells that support neurons.
Tests show the cells of the myelin sheath that protect the central nervous system are increased by HGH thearpy which means taking HGH protects from the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
Brain cell death has also been revealed to be extensively reduced and stopped by consistent HGH usage.
Degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative conditions come about as we age because of oxygen free radicals which bring about the degrading of cells in the brain.
Very damaging enzymes known as proteases are activated by these free radicals which harm the protein in the cell's to the degree that these cells die.
These free radicals are successfully eliminated from doing this destructive work by HGH activating protease inhibitors which act straight on these destructive proteases.
Apoptosis which is basically programmed cell death that occurs through a number of factors built within the cell is also prevented through HGH thearpy.
This has been demonstrated by causing brain cells to die through introducing them to apoptosis stimulating genes.
These cells that are about to die because of the apoptosis stimulating gene are subsequently introduced to growth hormone which produces protease inhibitors that effectively prevent the apoptosis so that these brain cells continue to live.
HGH also effects the brain with a younger mind set because HGH lowers dopamine and raises the level of B- endorphin in the brain.
B-endorphin also celebrated as the brain's own morphine, increases after intense exercise and is responsible for the high feeling one experiences after extreme exercise.
Various tests have shown that children that are depraved of love fail to get bigger as a consequence and are found scarce in HGH.
In others words, children will develop larger and taller if they are revealed genuine love and effection which would include loving and hugging and this is because it stimulates subsequently to have a greater discharge in HGH.
It should subsequently be no wonder that HGH has been shown to be a great answer to depression.
Some patients even claim that Prozac is not as superior at relieving their depression as HGH.
It is low HGH levels which is one of the main reasons why people when they get older have less impetus and enthusiasm and unfortunately this contributes to them becoming less proactive to also improve their wellbeing by taking products such as homeopathic HGH.
The infusion of HGH into the brain can greatly benefit the brain in many ways and this is indicated by the big number of receptors in different parts of the brain expressly for the HGH molecule.
Scientists have thought it to be scientifically impossible for HGH to be infused into the brain because of the blood brain barrier which filters out huge molecules such as the HGH molecule.
To validate this unfeasibility scientists injected patients with HGH and then did a spinal tap in the cerebrospinal fluid which runs from the brain.
To the downright surprise of scientists when they did the spinal tap in the cerebrospinal fluid for HGH there was a tenfold increase of HGH.
In this instance they could at least clearly validate that HGH really did obtain into the brain but could not scientifically analyze and observe it.
There are hence many examples like this such as in the clincally tested benefits that people get from homeopathic products where most in the scientific community and people such as arrogant anti quack quacks argue it is in contradiction of science and not genuine just because science has not been competent to fully scrutinize and appreciate something.
There are numerous examples where numerous years afterward what was deemed as non scientific and phony was in fact science they had not yet advanced into.
Since there is no trouble for HGH to go into the brain because the blood brain barrier somehow can filter it out, let us look at some of the results of HGH for the brain.
Numerous scientific tests have established that all our organs which shrivel with age grow back significantly towards their original dimension with enhanced function as well as the brain when receiving HGH thearpy.
At age 20 our brain reaches its largest dimension and subsequently begins to get smaller until by 90 years old it is 10% less in weight.
Experts in the field of neuroscience say that this shrinkage is not owing to the loss of 50,000 to 100,000 brain cells a day that occurs as one ages, but rather because dendritic connections between cells are being lost.
Many still suppose the brain shrinks due to the loss of 50,000 to 100,000 brains cells a day which occurs as one ages, but experts in the field of neuroscience say this is rather owing to the loss of dendritic connections between cells.
These dendritic branch like connections between brain cells have a lot to do with our capability to function and our memory.
The growth and regrowth of these peripheral dendrites is stimulated by HGH growth factors as well as others cells such as the glial cells which nurture these neurons or brain cells.
When growth hormone was injected into the brains of old rats, it was revealed that they were able to swim through a complex maze while other rats of the same age that did not receive these growth factors could not do it.
There is high amounts of growth hormone in the brains of newborns and young animals which reveals that growth hormone plays a key role in their development by stimulating the growth of neurons and glial cells that support neurons.
Tests show the cells of the myelin sheath that protect the central nervous system are increased by HGH thearpy which means taking HGH protects from the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
Brain cell death has also been revealed to be extensively reduced and stopped by consistent HGH usage.
Degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative conditions come about as we age because of oxygen free radicals which bring about the degrading of cells in the brain.
Very damaging enzymes known as proteases are activated by these free radicals which harm the protein in the cell's to the degree that these cells die.
These free radicals are successfully eliminated from doing this destructive work by HGH activating protease inhibitors which act straight on these destructive proteases.
Apoptosis which is basically programmed cell death that occurs through a number of factors built within the cell is also prevented through HGH thearpy.
This has been demonstrated by causing brain cells to die through introducing them to apoptosis stimulating genes.
These cells that are about to die because of the apoptosis stimulating gene are subsequently introduced to growth hormone which produces protease inhibitors that effectively prevent the apoptosis so that these brain cells continue to live.
HGH also effects the brain with a younger mind set because HGH lowers dopamine and raises the level of B- endorphin in the brain.
B-endorphin also celebrated as the brain's own morphine, increases after intense exercise and is responsible for the high feeling one experiences after extreme exercise.
Various tests have shown that children that are depraved of love fail to get bigger as a consequence and are found scarce in HGH.
In others words, children will develop larger and taller if they are revealed genuine love and effection which would include loving and hugging and this is because it stimulates subsequently to have a greater discharge in HGH.
It should subsequently be no wonder that HGH has been shown to be a great answer to depression.
Some patients even claim that Prozac is not as superior at relieving their depression as HGH.
It is low HGH levels which is one of the main reasons why people when they get older have less impetus and enthusiasm and unfortunately this contributes to them becoming less proactive to also improve their wellbeing by taking products such as homeopathic HGH.