Reconciling Too Soon
Here are a few steps you could try: - meet with the person for lunch or cup of coffee -- nothing more.
- find out how the person is doing, but ask nothing personal.
- keep the meeting short.
- look your best.
- be glad to see them and be confident with yourself - do not act needy or sad I have found that lunch is good, that way you both will have to get back to work.
If it is not going well then you have a reason to leave.
If it is going well, then you could make arrangements to see them at another time.
Keep the first few meetings short.
Take this slow and try not to lose your temper about anything that is said, after all you are trying to reconcile with this person.
That could cause another break up.
To make it really last, you have to work through what caused the break up in the first place.
Start by just trying to have a nice conversation.
Do not stay to long as this could make you seem needy.
Sometimes when you meet with the person, they give a little encouragement.
You may think you are back together again, just to realize that it was all in your mind.
On a later date you might want to explore why you split up.
To make it really last, you have to work through what caused the break up in the first place.
If it was your fault now is the time to apologize for your mistake, if not just listen to what they have to say.
If you can both work through it, then maybe you can start over, if not then it is time to move on.
Under no circumstances sleep with them until things get worked through.
That can cause you to go down the wrong path.
They may just be using your love for their own pleasure and then you will never hear from them again.
Try to act as upbeat as possible.
Confidence shows that you can handle whatever comes along.
This in itself can be quite alluring.
Take things slowly until you know you both want the same things out of the relationship.
This is the only way to make things really work again.
I hope this has helped.
I have also written a few more articles on my website.