Why True Grounding Is Essential for Your Well-Being
Grounding is THE key to emotional and energetic balance.
It means that you are present in your body and firmly connected to the Earth.
Grounding is especially important for people with high-sensitivity (HSP - highly sensitive persons).
With good grounding, you can keep your balance, be fully present in the here and now and bring in all of your spiritual gifts.
First let me tell you what happens when you are not well grounded.
Believe me, I'm an expert in this field since I've spent most of my life in this condition! Let's say that you are highly sensitive and that you pick up energies, emotions and even thoughts from other people.
Besides that, you are dealing with your own thoughts, emotions and energies.
Sounds a bit busy, doesn't it? There are two things going on here.
One: your mind, emotions and energyfield are processing a lot more than they can comfortable handle.
They are 'full' or even 'overloaded'.
Two: you cannot distinguish anymore what is yours and what is not.
No wonder you feel emotional, overwhelmed and tired! Good grounding helps you to let go of other people's energies, emotions and thoughts and it helps you get back to your center so you can distinguish what is yours and what is not.
Grounding is often taught as creating a grounding chord between your root chakra at the base of your spine into the earth.
This can be done in many ways: visualize a chord, a tube, or a thick line from your root chakra into the earth.
Intend it to go all the way down into the core of the earth.
You can also visualize yourself as a tree, with strong roots going down deeply into the earth.
Many times this is explained as grounding.
But it is only part of the story! When you have your grounding chord in place without being present in your body, the grounding chord doesn't work, no matter how hard you try.
Imagine it like this: your grounding chord goes from your root chakra down.
The thoughts, emotions and energies that you would like to ground into the earth are 'up', many times they are floating somewhere around your head.
They are not connected to the grounding chord so they cannot leave your field, no matter how open or strong your grounding chord is.
Here's how you can solve that problem: Start by making a grounding chord as I mentioned before.
Then focus your attention on your crown.
Ask your higher self to bring in your own light into your body.
Feel, see, sense or imagine the light from your soul entering your body through your crown chakra.
Let it go down into your head, throat, upper body, all the way down until it reaches your root chakra.
Let the light enter your grounding chord and let it also flow into your upper legs, knees, lower legs, ankles and feet.
Imagine grounding chords going down from the bottom of your feet into the earth and let the light enter these grounding chords as well.
If you want, you can ask your angels to help you be fully present in your body.
I find this very powerful.
You can also say: 'I choose to be fully present in my body now', or other words that resonate with you.
Feel how your energy has shifted now.
Side-effect: being present in the here and now A big side effect of being present in your body is that you are also being present in the here & now.
You cannot be present in the here & now when you are not present in your body.
You cannot be present in the here & now when you are with all your focus and attention in your head or your mind, thinking your thoughts.
Have you ever had the experience that you were walking in a beautiful place without consciously seeing anything because your were busy thinking? Your energy and attention was completely somewhere else.
And honestly, you miss a lot of beauty around you when you do.
The key is to ground and be present.
If you move out of your body during the day (and that happens to all of us!), take a few seconds to come back.
Consciously move your attention from your head to your heart.
Let your energy and light spread through your whole body.
Pay attention to the lower part of your body in particular, because that is where the energy leaves first.
Be aware of your grounding and your presence and continue your day.
I find it very helpful to just ask my guides and angels for help in coming back in my body and in the now-moment.
Now you have some very practical guidelines to help you ground and be present.
Remember, grounding is the key to experiencing emotional and energetic balance, to find your center and master your high sensitivity, turning it into your greatest gift.
It means that you are present in your body and firmly connected to the Earth.
Grounding is especially important for people with high-sensitivity (HSP - highly sensitive persons).
With good grounding, you can keep your balance, be fully present in the here and now and bring in all of your spiritual gifts.
First let me tell you what happens when you are not well grounded.
Believe me, I'm an expert in this field since I've spent most of my life in this condition! Let's say that you are highly sensitive and that you pick up energies, emotions and even thoughts from other people.
Besides that, you are dealing with your own thoughts, emotions and energies.
Sounds a bit busy, doesn't it? There are two things going on here.
One: your mind, emotions and energyfield are processing a lot more than they can comfortable handle.
They are 'full' or even 'overloaded'.
Two: you cannot distinguish anymore what is yours and what is not.
No wonder you feel emotional, overwhelmed and tired! Good grounding helps you to let go of other people's energies, emotions and thoughts and it helps you get back to your center so you can distinguish what is yours and what is not.
Grounding is often taught as creating a grounding chord between your root chakra at the base of your spine into the earth.
This can be done in many ways: visualize a chord, a tube, or a thick line from your root chakra into the earth.
Intend it to go all the way down into the core of the earth.
You can also visualize yourself as a tree, with strong roots going down deeply into the earth.
Many times this is explained as grounding.
But it is only part of the story! When you have your grounding chord in place without being present in your body, the grounding chord doesn't work, no matter how hard you try.
Imagine it like this: your grounding chord goes from your root chakra down.
The thoughts, emotions and energies that you would like to ground into the earth are 'up', many times they are floating somewhere around your head.
They are not connected to the grounding chord so they cannot leave your field, no matter how open or strong your grounding chord is.
Here's how you can solve that problem: Start by making a grounding chord as I mentioned before.
Then focus your attention on your crown.
Ask your higher self to bring in your own light into your body.
Feel, see, sense or imagine the light from your soul entering your body through your crown chakra.
Let it go down into your head, throat, upper body, all the way down until it reaches your root chakra.
Let the light enter your grounding chord and let it also flow into your upper legs, knees, lower legs, ankles and feet.
Imagine grounding chords going down from the bottom of your feet into the earth and let the light enter these grounding chords as well.
If you want, you can ask your angels to help you be fully present in your body.
I find this very powerful.
You can also say: 'I choose to be fully present in my body now', or other words that resonate with you.
Feel how your energy has shifted now.
Side-effect: being present in the here and now A big side effect of being present in your body is that you are also being present in the here & now.
You cannot be present in the here & now when you are not present in your body.
You cannot be present in the here & now when you are with all your focus and attention in your head or your mind, thinking your thoughts.
Have you ever had the experience that you were walking in a beautiful place without consciously seeing anything because your were busy thinking? Your energy and attention was completely somewhere else.
And honestly, you miss a lot of beauty around you when you do.
The key is to ground and be present.
If you move out of your body during the day (and that happens to all of us!), take a few seconds to come back.
Consciously move your attention from your head to your heart.
Let your energy and light spread through your whole body.
Pay attention to the lower part of your body in particular, because that is where the energy leaves first.
Be aware of your grounding and your presence and continue your day.
I find it very helpful to just ask my guides and angels for help in coming back in my body and in the now-moment.
Now you have some very practical guidelines to help you ground and be present.
Remember, grounding is the key to experiencing emotional and energetic balance, to find your center and master your high sensitivity, turning it into your greatest gift.