How to use Tapping to improve Health
They have noidea of how to accomplish a happy life so accept what they have,a mind and body filled with emotional distress,perhaps chronic pain, addictions,compulsions, or maybe just an empty feeling deep within.
Along with these problems.. in today's 'off the shelf' society..they settle for drugs to kill the pain, to rest at night, and tocover up the anxiety,treating each concern with a separate panacea and never realising that treating individual symptoms is futile,when the root cause is not addressed as the causal factor of most of theirensuing symptoms.
If they could find that elusive 'happy pill' everything in theirlife would be just dandy...or would it?
If,like many people, you feeltrapped,in this cycle,tired of feeling sad, depressed, anxious discontented and unwell,tired of investing in expensive and unsuccessful treatments,less than enamoured with letting go of power over their health and well being to psychologists and doctors who prescribe less thanhelpful treatments again and again.Wouldn't you dearly love to regain the ability to prosper and flourish using your own recuperative energies,inherent in all,with just a little help and support guiding them in the rightdirection...well this is do-able, you can feel better,you can have a life of peace, joy and fulfillment every day and every moment.
There is a solution to these problem areas in your life, called simply Tapping or EFT as also known, with which you can take control of
your own physical and mental well-being,easily and quickly.
This technique is So simple,a young child could do it and they are doing it in schools today,it doesn't take up much of your can even do it sitting in a traffic jam on your journey to work,so what could be simpler than that?
With Tapping, you regain control of those wayward,deeply tucked away in your psyche,hurt,anger,self harming brainwaves that your mind has built up over your lifetime and are now hidden away in your subconscious without you evenknowing it.
Tapping provides relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post-traumatic stress and physical illness.
While supporting precisely the point of revolutionizing the field of health and wellness, concepts of healing that are based in Eastern medicine and have been around for more than 5000 years.
Like acupuncture and acupressure, Tapping is a set oftechniques that exploit the points of the body's energy meridians.which can be stimulated by Tapping with your fingertips - literally tapping into the body's energy and healing power.
Your body is more powerful than you can imagine ... full of life energy and an innate potential for self-healing,Tapping enables you to gain control of that power,it is quick,painless and ultra-effective and you will feel the benefits of that small amount of effort vitually immediately.
So what are youwaiting for,get your fingers Tapping,they will find theanswer to your inner problem causing your outer problems and they will heal yourmuch less than idyllic lifestyle.