Hypoallergenic Skincare - Are You Trying to Cure Your Itch With a Cosmetics Crime?
What is the solution? The big cosmetics producers to the rescue, hypoallergenic make up and skincare products.
You may have discovered like thousands of others in your situation that you do a little better with hypoallergenic products but not perfect.
Why is that? You believe that your allergies are that bad? Maybe not.
Are you just that sick and weak or can it be something else? I must admit, I have been plagued with allergies all my life.
Anyone who experiences severe discomfort from being exposed to "normal" day to day life will begin to wonder what is wrong.
Itching all over, I even got full body hives ones and had to take antihistamines and cortisone shots to dampen the symptoms.
I do not recommend this for anyone.
With the increasing amount of chemicals and preservatives in everything from food to the building materials for out homes are making us sick.
We are slowly being poisoned and our bodies are reacting to it with a clear message, rashes, itches and maybe even nausea.
Our immune system learns to react and is very obedient, after a while it gets more and more effective at setting off the symptoms.
This runaway reaction must be stopped.
Hypoallergenic is not the solution In large part this is a marketing fad, you have to be really careful when you choose a hypoallergenic skicare product.
If you peek at the ingredients list on one of these products you will find several synthetic ingredients and scents that are very toxic and highly irritating for the skin.
So how can they call it allergy friendly? It has a little less of the standard industrial preservatives and scents in them.
So yes it is a little better.
Saves the producer some money and you get a little less irritation.
This is an outright crime against allergy sufferers.
The real solution for healthy allergy free skin Go natural.
These days I refuse to touch anything that is not 100% natural.
My skin feels great, blotch and itch free.
I make my own creams and lotions from totally natural oils and emulsifiers.
You might not be willing to take this far, no worries.
After a lot of trial and error I have only found a few companies that produce absolutely natural products, how do I know they are? My body quickly tells me if I made the wrong choice.
That's the only expert you should listen to, your skin.