What Is The Difference Between Pay Per Click Rankings and Organic Rankings?
There is a very large difference between the two.
One involves bidding money with Google to show up high and the other involves much more than money.
Here is an explanation between how the two work.
A pay per click campaign is the easiest way to show up high in search engine rankings.
Let's look at Google for instance, although both Yahoo and Bing have these options as well.
When you type in a search for a product or service, the results at the top of the screen as well as on the right-hand side are listed as sponsored ads.
These have nothing to do with how good a website is or how hard the business has worked to gain high rankings.
The results of this simply have to do with how much money was bid to gain the position.
Different industries maintain different competitiveness.
For instance, ranking high as a waste management company may cost only a dollar or so per click.
But ranking high as a personal injury attorney may cost $30-$40 per click and be fairly cost prohibitive.
At that rate, if you achieved 10 clicks per day your budget would need to be $9-$10,000 per month to cover this.
A business that is just starting or having difficulty ranking organically for certain keywords can typically gain business by investing in a pay per click campaign, but it may not be possible depending on the budget available.
Looking at the statistics of what results people click on, it has been shown that 30% of individuals will click on a sponsored ad over an organic ranking result.
This statistic has actually dropped in recent years as more and more consumers understand that organic rankings are usually the better ones to click.
When looking at a pay per click campaign, it can be confusing on how to set it up and maintain it.
It is best to work with a professional who has done plenty of pay per click campaigns.
Showing up high in search engine rankings organically is a combination of an art and a science.
Google, Yahoo, and Bing change their algorithms frequently with regards to how they rank their results.
There are plenty of techniques both on your website itself along with things you can do off of the website to achieve high rankings.
Producing a lot of quality content is what the search engines are looking for these days.
Also, producing this content on a regular basis and not in bursts will help achieve a much more steady rise in the rankings.
This content needs to have targeted backlinks that are properly placed to help the most.
Typically where you want to be is high in organic search engine results over time so that you can decrease the amount of pay per click monies necessary.
That way, you are receiving more business less expensively and would simply need to maintain your organic results with continuous content production.
It can be difficult to achieve these rankings initially and then to maintain them, so it is best to seek out a professional search engine marketing firm to assist you.