The Best Cardio For Burning Fat Quickly
Specifically, we're going to look at the most effective form of cardio: HIIT.
By the time you've finished reading, you'll know why this is the optimal form of cardio.
So let's begin.
Firstly, what is HIIT? This is an acronym which stands for High Intensity Interval Training.
The basic idea is to alternate between exercising with high intensity, and exercising with low intensity.
Of course, this can be very physically demanding - so if you're very out of shape, it may not be possible for you just yet.
In fact, even if you're in great shape, it can be a struggle - which is why there are several different protocols you can follow to progressively improve your capability.
One of the easiest ways to get started with HIIT is to sprint for 30 seconds, then jog for 60 seconds, which is a simple 1:2 ratio.
This will work to burn the fat very quickly, and you'll only have to do this for 20 to 30 minutes per session to gain incredible health benefits.
What's more, there are several additional benefits you'll experience when you incorporate HIIT into your life.
These benefits include: improved insulin sensitivity, increased lactate threshold, and an improved aerobic capacity.
It goes without saying that these benefits are a powerful addition to your fat burning arsenal.
Also, several studies show that HIIT training causes a significant oxygen debt within your body - which means you'll continue to burn many additional calories even after you've finished your workout.
However, HIIT isn't for everyone.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is think that HIIT is an "easier" alternative to low intensity steady state cardio (known as LISS, for short).
But to reap the true benefits of HIIT, it's important that your intense sessions are near your maximum potential.
It can be easy to underestimate your own effort, and think you're pushing your maximum, when you're really working out at a medium intensity.
To obtain the true benefits of HIIT, it's important for your high intensity peaks to be causing a real burn in your muscles.
Overall, using HIIT is an excellent way to burn unwanted body fat, and achieve a lean, athletic physique.
What's more, it'll allow you to burn more calories in less time, without spending your life in a gym.
So if you want to spice up your cardio routine and burn the fat, HIIT is something you have to try.