My Carburetor Is Flooded & Won't Start
- 1). Raise the hood of the engine compartment. Take the cover off the air filter housing by unscrewing the butterfly nut on top. This will give access to the top of the carburetor. A flooded carburetor will have a strong smell of raw gasoline.
- 2). Turn the ignition key to the "Start" position. Hold the gas pedal to the floor.
- 3). Attempt to start the car while pressing the gas pedal to the floor. Hold the "Run" position for no more than five seconds. The fuel should flow through the carburetor and provoke a "rough" start.
- 4). Feed gas by pumping the pedal by foot. The car will eventually work through the vapor lock and idle smoothly.
- 5). Allow the car to idle for five minutes. Listen for a smooth consistent sound to ensure fuel is going to the engine appropriately.
- 6). Allow the car to sit for an hour with the engine off. This will help the fuel settle and push out any air vapors if pushing the fuel out was unsuccessful.