How To Moisturize Your Skin Properly To Avoid Deep Skin Dryness
Did you know that your skin can still turn dry and damaged even if you are using a moisturizing product? As you get older, the inherent moisture of your skin depletes.
Moreover, the moisture-retaining functions of the integumentary system fail to function well.
External aging factors such as UV rays, pollutants and toxins also trigger deep skin dryness.
If you don't know how to moisturize your skin properly, you can be afflicted with this condition.
Try the following tips if you want to maintain well-hydrated skin tissues and cells: 1.
Drink 3-4 cups of water first thing in the morning.
This method can help flush out harmful toxins in your system.
Toxins tend to make the skin weaker and dryer.
Toxins also prevent fluid from being distributed all over the body.
The 3-4 cups of water you drink in the morning will jump start hydration.
This will ensure that your body is replenished.
You should bring your moisturizer with you when you are bathing.
This way, you can apply the product pronto after bathing.
Before your skin loses its dewiness after bathing, apply the product.
Since the pores are still open, the dermis can still absorb the moisturizing ingredients.
In addition to that, you also have to choose moisturizers properly.
There are certain emollient ingredients that only work in hydrating your skin for a couple of hours.
What you need is a more effective product that can lock moisture inside.
Look for the ingredients Phytessence Wakame, Manuka Honey and CynergyTK.
Phytessence Wakame is a type of Japanese sea weed that prevents the loss of hyaluronic acid.
This acid inherently supplies moisture to collagen fibers.
It is the role of Phytessence Wakame to get rid of the harmful enzymes that attack hyaluronic acid.
Manuka honey has humectant properties that work in hydrating the inner dermis layers.
It also works for any skin type.
Try using a hydrating skin mask at least two times a week.
The efficacy of most hydrating masks last for a week.
I suggest using paraffin mask.
Mix paraffin with honey and safflower oil.
Apply it on your dry and damaged skin.
Let it stay there for about an hour before washing it off.
Get rid of dead skin cells first.
More often than not, moisturizers cannot penetrate the seven layers of the skin because of dead skin cells.
They tend to block the pores.
You should use an exfoliating scrub to get rid of dead skin cells.
Try mixing crushed almonds with honey.
Apply it on your damp skin.
Moreover, the moisture-retaining functions of the integumentary system fail to function well.
External aging factors such as UV rays, pollutants and toxins also trigger deep skin dryness.
If you don't know how to moisturize your skin properly, you can be afflicted with this condition.
Try the following tips if you want to maintain well-hydrated skin tissues and cells: 1.
Drink 3-4 cups of water first thing in the morning.
This method can help flush out harmful toxins in your system.
Toxins tend to make the skin weaker and dryer.
Toxins also prevent fluid from being distributed all over the body.
The 3-4 cups of water you drink in the morning will jump start hydration.
This will ensure that your body is replenished.
You should bring your moisturizer with you when you are bathing.
This way, you can apply the product pronto after bathing.
Before your skin loses its dewiness after bathing, apply the product.
Since the pores are still open, the dermis can still absorb the moisturizing ingredients.
In addition to that, you also have to choose moisturizers properly.
There are certain emollient ingredients that only work in hydrating your skin for a couple of hours.
What you need is a more effective product that can lock moisture inside.
Look for the ingredients Phytessence Wakame, Manuka Honey and CynergyTK.
Phytessence Wakame is a type of Japanese sea weed that prevents the loss of hyaluronic acid.
This acid inherently supplies moisture to collagen fibers.
It is the role of Phytessence Wakame to get rid of the harmful enzymes that attack hyaluronic acid.
Manuka honey has humectant properties that work in hydrating the inner dermis layers.
It also works for any skin type.
Try using a hydrating skin mask at least two times a week.
The efficacy of most hydrating masks last for a week.
I suggest using paraffin mask.
Mix paraffin with honey and safflower oil.
Apply it on your dry and damaged skin.
Let it stay there for about an hour before washing it off.
Get rid of dead skin cells first.
More often than not, moisturizers cannot penetrate the seven layers of the skin because of dead skin cells.
They tend to block the pores.
You should use an exfoliating scrub to get rid of dead skin cells.
Try mixing crushed almonds with honey.
Apply it on your damp skin.