New Breast Implants Procedure Prevents Sore Nipples
A new breast implant surgical procedure prevents sore nipples and allows women to breast feed without pain, tenderness or sensitivity.
The causes of sore nipples There are three locations for an incision to be made for the insertion of saline or silicone implants the armpit area, inframammary fold or periareola.
The periareola is the most popular as the darkened outer area of the nipple reduces visible scaring.
However the downside of the periareola incision, which is generally not discussed with the surgeon, is the high number of cases of sensitive nipples and more importantly for younger women painful breast feeding.
New breast implant surgical procedure A new breast augmentation procedure transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) utilizes a new breast implant insertion method through the navel.
A small C shaped incision is made within the folds of the belly button which conceals any scaring.
The empty breast implant skins are rolled and inserted through the naval.
The aid of an endoscope and the surgeon's skill allows the breast implant skins to be manoeuvred into position within the chest muscle area.
Once the empty implant skins are in position they are then inflated with a saline solution to the desired size.
At present only saline is available using the TUBA technique.
Transumbilical breast augmentation advantages
- No visible scarring
- No nipple sensitivity
- No painful breast feeding
- Only available with saline implants
- More complicated surgical procedure
- May have increased costs
- Limited number of plastic surgeons offer TUBA surgery
The use of saline implants is the main drawback of TUBA as saline implants have a greater tendency to crease or fold.
Silicone breast implants have gained popularity over the years due the fact they have a more breast like feel although there is the risk of Siliconomas.
While any surgery carries risks women seeking breast augmentation surgery should ensure the surgeon fully explains all the risks involved and is registered with the relevant medical board.
Women considering breast augmentation surgery before childbirth should carry out extensive research before deciding on the best option for them including natural breast enhancement options.
Most women only realize they have a breast feeding problem when it is too late normally just after childbirth.