Making 60K Off Amazon"s Affiliate Program?
Jonathan Volk (JonathanVolk.
com) was kind enough to set up a great promo webinar with Chris Guthrie, creator of the Niche Profit Course.
Chris has cleared over $60k from small niche market websites promoting Amazon products with great success.
They net very low administrative effort, and generate small profits once ranked properly and have some relevant content.
Chris has a few dozen of these sites some cash cows and some a little less so, but ultimately they're easy to manage and generate some excellent income all on their own.
I'm starting to look at internet marketing as an investments portfolio.
Multiple sources of revenue is essential (but obviously develop core strengths).
Initially I wasn't all that interested in pursuing yet another line of income generating fun but figured with Jonathan's name on it, and the fact it was a special webinar only 30 minutes in length, it would be worth my time.
See that right there? List building and rapport building in progress.
This guy could make an eBook about growing bacon using dead parrots and a hollowed out sailboat and I'd probably buy it.
He's honest, humble, direct, and a heck of a writer.
Anyway down to the meat.
Admittedly before this invite I'd never heard of Chris or his course.
The presentation was short, very informative, and to the point.
Chris covered his beginnings in forums, his fondness of free traffic and how he typically generates it, his core money making strategies (including product placement links, making various content linkable, buy it now buttons, and pushing during heavy shopping periods), how he uncovers niche markets to cash in on, and even covers common Amazon affiliate mistakes he sees and why various marketing tactics simply don't work.
I especially liked his points on website creation and both Jonathan and Chris divulged some insight on how they typically go about generating niche market sites.
Typically the methodology is discover the niche, outsource the content.
The Niche Marketing Course has received some excellent reviews.
And after listening to Chris for a good 40 minutes, may very well try this program for myself.
Regardless of the course itself, Chris has presented a very easy to understand, and lucrative operating model in developing small websites that generate modest amounts of revenue through Amazon's affiliate program.
And like most models, it is completely scalable to as many sites as one might like.
com) was kind enough to set up a great promo webinar with Chris Guthrie, creator of the Niche Profit Course.
Chris has cleared over $60k from small niche market websites promoting Amazon products with great success.
They net very low administrative effort, and generate small profits once ranked properly and have some relevant content.
Chris has a few dozen of these sites some cash cows and some a little less so, but ultimately they're easy to manage and generate some excellent income all on their own.
I'm starting to look at internet marketing as an investments portfolio.
Multiple sources of revenue is essential (but obviously develop core strengths).
Initially I wasn't all that interested in pursuing yet another line of income generating fun but figured with Jonathan's name on it, and the fact it was a special webinar only 30 minutes in length, it would be worth my time.
See that right there? List building and rapport building in progress.
This guy could make an eBook about growing bacon using dead parrots and a hollowed out sailboat and I'd probably buy it.
He's honest, humble, direct, and a heck of a writer.
Anyway down to the meat.
Admittedly before this invite I'd never heard of Chris or his course.
The presentation was short, very informative, and to the point.
Chris covered his beginnings in forums, his fondness of free traffic and how he typically generates it, his core money making strategies (including product placement links, making various content linkable, buy it now buttons, and pushing during heavy shopping periods), how he uncovers niche markets to cash in on, and even covers common Amazon affiliate mistakes he sees and why various marketing tactics simply don't work.
I especially liked his points on website creation and both Jonathan and Chris divulged some insight on how they typically go about generating niche market sites.
Typically the methodology is discover the niche, outsource the content.
The Niche Marketing Course has received some excellent reviews.
And after listening to Chris for a good 40 minutes, may very well try this program for myself.
Regardless of the course itself, Chris has presented a very easy to understand, and lucrative operating model in developing small websites that generate modest amounts of revenue through Amazon's affiliate program.
And like most models, it is completely scalable to as many sites as one might like.