Love and Compassion
Another word for love could be compassion.
Are we compassionate people? How is compassion measured? We can check ourselves fairly easily to see if this attribute is part of our makeup.
For instance, if we see someone hungry, do we feel a deep desire to feed them? If we do, then this is a sign that we have compassion, we have love.
Now, do we feed them if we can or do we choose to ignore this urging within our soul? The more we ignore these feelings of compassion given to us by Creator's Spirit, the easier it will be to ignore them in the future, and the further we will distance from Creator.
Creator is a spirit of unconditional love.
So many of us are so busy dealing with the physical and material things of this world that we choose to ignore those things that are spiritual.
We choose to block out love.
We choose to block out Creator.
The darkness in this world continues to grow.
Love in many has waxed cold.
It appears the Hopi no longer believe they can hold the world in balance and it is now time for what the Hopi call the Great Purification, and Christianity calls Armageddon.
It is a time to cleanse, purify and renew Mother Earth and her inhabitants.
Compassion is so desperately needed in our world today.
The die has been cast, and it appears we are headed toward very difficult times.
But we can make a difference.
We can learn to help one another, to love others.
This may help alleviate some of the pain and suffering that may occur in the difficult times ahead.
For those of us who believe we will inherit a place in "heaven" because we accept that the love in someone else's heart is all we need, they are mistaken.
It is what is in our own hearts that counts.
If a person carrying evil in his heart were to enter the next world, he would plant his evil seeds into the new world, in Creator's kingdom.
Since this would corrupt His kingdom, it follows that this cannot be allowed to happen.
Therefore, it appears reasonable to assume that anyone who chooses to carry evil in his or her heart will not be allowed to enter into the next world.
We can forget the free ride, somebody else did it all for us concept that some religions teach, because without love in our hearts, we cannot enter the kingdom of Creator.
If we don't have love we don't have God, because God is love.
Are we compassionate people? How is compassion measured? We can check ourselves fairly easily to see if this attribute is part of our makeup.
For instance, if we see someone hungry, do we feel a deep desire to feed them? If we do, then this is a sign that we have compassion, we have love.
Now, do we feed them if we can or do we choose to ignore this urging within our soul? The more we ignore these feelings of compassion given to us by Creator's Spirit, the easier it will be to ignore them in the future, and the further we will distance from Creator.
Creator is a spirit of unconditional love.
So many of us are so busy dealing with the physical and material things of this world that we choose to ignore those things that are spiritual.
We choose to block out love.
We choose to block out Creator.
The darkness in this world continues to grow.
Love in many has waxed cold.
It appears the Hopi no longer believe they can hold the world in balance and it is now time for what the Hopi call the Great Purification, and Christianity calls Armageddon.
It is a time to cleanse, purify and renew Mother Earth and her inhabitants.
Compassion is so desperately needed in our world today.
The die has been cast, and it appears we are headed toward very difficult times.
But we can make a difference.
We can learn to help one another, to love others.
This may help alleviate some of the pain and suffering that may occur in the difficult times ahead.
For those of us who believe we will inherit a place in "heaven" because we accept that the love in someone else's heart is all we need, they are mistaken.
It is what is in our own hearts that counts.
If a person carrying evil in his heart were to enter the next world, he would plant his evil seeds into the new world, in Creator's kingdom.
Since this would corrupt His kingdom, it follows that this cannot be allowed to happen.
Therefore, it appears reasonable to assume that anyone who chooses to carry evil in his or her heart will not be allowed to enter into the next world.
We can forget the free ride, somebody else did it all for us concept that some religions teach, because without love in our hearts, we cannot enter the kingdom of Creator.
If we don't have love we don't have God, because God is love.