How to Handle Rude & Complicated People
- 1). Take a deep breath. No matter if the guy in line is cursing at you or you've just gotten something snatched out of your hands, take a moment and step back. It's natural for you to automatically react strongly, however, don't allow a person's bad behavior to provoke you. Breathe in your nose and out your mouth deeply and gather yourself.
- 2). Speak in a calm voice and avoid using excessive hand gestures. Handle the person with kid gloves, making sure that you address him or her directly and make eye contact. If it's a customer who is rude to you for a mistake, address the person by name and acknowledge her concern. Say, "Mrs. Russell, I understand you're upset that you received the wrong item. Give me a moment to see how I can help you." Avoid screaming back at her or mirroring her behavior.
- 3). Bring her actions to her attention if she continue to act rudely. If you're still getting screamed at, stop what you're doing and repeat your first two steps. This time say, "Mrs. Russell, I can't help you if you're screaming. I am trying to help you and I'd appreciate it if you calm down and let me try to make this work to your benefit." Try to convince her that her best interests are important to you.
- 4). Avoid going to war with the rude person. If she says something like, "I've been doing this for years, you don't know what you're doing." Avoid arguing or trying to prove her wrong. Simply nod and change the direction of the conversation such as, "Oh really, when started, were things always this busy for you?" Turn the conversation into something pleasant allowing her to talk about herself.
- 5). Consider having the person removed from your area if the person gets too disruptive or threatens or hints at violence. Explain to the person that you have tried every other way to handle the situation.