How To Ensure You Achieve The Success You Desire On Ebay
Most people fail because they fail to take action. If you know next week's lottery numbers, that knowledge is worthless if you don't actually buy a lottery ticket. Knowledge is useless without action.
Many people fail to take action because they are worried about making mistakes. But it's a FACT that you DON'T need to do everything perfectly the first time to succeed. This applies to your eBay business.
In fact, most people who are successful have probably failed far more often than less successful people - they "fail their way to success". They try something that doesn't achieve the results they desire. But they don't see this as failure. They see it as feedback. They learn from it, change their method and try again. They keep doing this UNTIL they succeed.
How did you learn to ride a bike? How did you learn to drive a car? How did you learn to use your computer? How did you learn to sell your first item on eBay? You didn't know exactly how to ride a bike, drive a car, use your computer the first time you attempted it. You learned through DOING. If you had waited to be an expert driver before you attempted to drive, you would never have become a driver.
Successful people take ACTION, make MISTAKES, CHANGE what they do or how they do it and KEEP taking action UNTIL they succeed. So start your eBay business NOW. You WILL make mistakes. Mistakes are just FEEDBACK so you KNOW what doesn't work. This HELPS you discover what DOES work. If you don't get started on your eBay business you won't make any mistakes so you won't learn what doesn't work and will never learn what does work on eBay.
I honestly believe that you will NEVER find an EASIER business to set up and run than selling on eBay: you don't need specialist knowledge; you don't need specialist equipment (other than a computer linked to the internet); you don't need a business premises such as an office or shop as you can run your business from your home; you have a ready made market (if you find your market FIRST - BEFORE you decide what to sell); you have a ready-made route to market (eBay); you don't need any start-up capital; and you don't even need any stock if you use drop shipping or sell information products on eBay.
Be aware that friends and family will probably be negative. They will tell you that you won't succeed or that you are mad! Or someone they know "tried" to make money on eBay and failed. Don't "try" to make money on eBay. Make the decision that you WILL make money on eBay and keep doing it UNTIL you succeed. Decide that you WILL succeed and DON'T give up until you DO.
Many people fail to take action because they are worried about making mistakes. But it's a FACT that you DON'T need to do everything perfectly the first time to succeed. This applies to your eBay business.
In fact, most people who are successful have probably failed far more often than less successful people - they "fail their way to success". They try something that doesn't achieve the results they desire. But they don't see this as failure. They see it as feedback. They learn from it, change their method and try again. They keep doing this UNTIL they succeed.
How did you learn to ride a bike? How did you learn to drive a car? How did you learn to use your computer? How did you learn to sell your first item on eBay? You didn't know exactly how to ride a bike, drive a car, use your computer the first time you attempted it. You learned through DOING. If you had waited to be an expert driver before you attempted to drive, you would never have become a driver.
Successful people take ACTION, make MISTAKES, CHANGE what they do or how they do it and KEEP taking action UNTIL they succeed. So start your eBay business NOW. You WILL make mistakes. Mistakes are just FEEDBACK so you KNOW what doesn't work. This HELPS you discover what DOES work. If you don't get started on your eBay business you won't make any mistakes so you won't learn what doesn't work and will never learn what does work on eBay.
I honestly believe that you will NEVER find an EASIER business to set up and run than selling on eBay: you don't need specialist knowledge; you don't need specialist equipment (other than a computer linked to the internet); you don't need a business premises such as an office or shop as you can run your business from your home; you have a ready made market (if you find your market FIRST - BEFORE you decide what to sell); you have a ready-made route to market (eBay); you don't need any start-up capital; and you don't even need any stock if you use drop shipping or sell information products on eBay.
Be aware that friends and family will probably be negative. They will tell you that you won't succeed or that you are mad! Or someone they know "tried" to make money on eBay and failed. Don't "try" to make money on eBay. Make the decision that you WILL make money on eBay and keep doing it UNTIL you succeed. Decide that you WILL succeed and DON'T give up until you DO.