Creatine - Protein - And Your Diet
You may be slim and trying to gain weight and muscle, or you may be chubby and want to reduce fat and gain more muscle.
Although creatine is a great supplement to help you build your muscle, without a good diet it is simply not as effective.
To maximise your muscle endurance and size while taking creatine a high protein diet is highly recommended.
Some high protein foods are; * chicken * turkey * lean meats and beef * fish * egg whites So how much much protein should there be in a high protein diet? Experts say, anywhere from 0.
5 grams to 2 grams per pound of bodyweight.
So basically, if you are 160lbs, eat roughly 160 grams of protein each and every day, whether you have trained that day or not.
How am I supposed to each that much protein a day!? You may eat high protein foods all day, but it is difficult to stick with it when your on the move and at work, but an easier way is to take protein supplements.
They are mostly powder based just like creatine, and can be mixed with fruit juice.
The average protein supplement provides over 20 grams in each serving, and even up to 30 grams.