Using 0% Interest Rate Business Credit Cards To Build Businesses
Of course you have to be a smart investor because you can run into trouble very fast otherwise! But still, let's assume you invest well.
Imagine you can get money from a bank or a credit card for only 5% but can earn a 15% return through selling what you create from the investment! But, if you put your own cash into it, then you would freeze that money from working on project #2.
By leveraging that money, it's like you are making a free 10% return! So now, the trick is to get a low interest rate business credit card, because the return rate you have on your investment is directly impacted by the interest rate you pay on that debt.
Not to mention, there are great business cards in the industry that come at a very low interest rate! Getting a Business Credit Card at 0% Interest Rate? Yes, did you know that you can actually get credit cards that will give you a period where you pay absolutely no interest rate to them? In our business we just recently got a credit card that let's us loan up to $10,000 for 18 months without paying a penny in interest! There are now multiple offers such as this one and you can easily get involved.
However, make sure that you invest these funds very smart because you still owe that money back.
And, even on a 0% interest rate credit card, that is only for a short period of time - eventually, the credit card companies will start charging you interest!